DL Open Thread: Friday, December 4, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 4, 2020

Yet Another Sallies’ Priest Busted.  At what point do we look at this as not a series of isolated incidents, but view the school that they all have in common as a cesspool of pedophilia? I mean, this guy was the school principal, for, um, Christ’s sake. Louie Freeh’s law firm has rushed in to whitewash this latest blemish on the school’s reputation.

‘The President Is Acting Crazy, So Why Are We Shrugging It Off?’  I’ve been asking this question for, like, forever.  He’s now acting even crazier.

Who Offered That Payoff In Exchange For Trump Pardon?  NYTimes fills in the blanks.

Trump ‘Aide’ Barred From DOJ For Seeking Inside Info.  Trump has assigned, well, let’s call them what they are, ‘spies’ to get inside these agencies and report back to the boss.  The DOJ, of all agencies, has exiled her back to the White House.

Trump Seeds Permanent Government With His Loyalists.  In fairness, this happens in Delaware all the time as well, almost always at the end of a governor’s term. Juicy plums in the Merit System.

Trump Rushes To Sell Oil Rights In Alaskan Wilderness.  You know, before he leaves office.  The despoiling must continue.

Banks Underwrite Sen. Perdue’s Campaign.  The relationship has been beneficial to both the industry’s and the Senator’s bottom line.

Carney Implements New Covid Regulations.  While his blinkered vision has been a source of constant disappointment, his ‘eye on the ball’ mentality has proven to be just what we need on this.

Delaware Legislative Black Caucus Selects New Leaders.  What’s most important is that the number of Black legislators has expanded from 4 to 12 in just two election cycles.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    What is it with Catholic priests and pedophilia? It’s like cops and racism.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Guessing it’s the famed Vow Of Celibacy. Don’t claim to know much of anything about the Catholics, but I think the celibacy bit gives the pedophiles more then a little cover, and the church leaders famously don’t seem to give a damn, I have little doubt their still playing the hide the pedophile priest game. And although painful must admit Carney has done what it takes with the virus.

    • Hop-Frog says:

      I think you’ve got it exactly right about the vow of celibacy. How could a profession like the Roman Catholic priesthood that requires men to forever renounce relations with women not become a haven for men who naturally are sexually attracted to other men? And that an order like the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales who specialize in the education of young men not become a haven for men who are sexually attracted to adolescent boys?
      That the majority of them didn’t engage in pedophilia is little excuse, in that it appears that all of them conspired to cover it up.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    I was in Latin class with the brothers whose name shall not be uttered but found on a sports venue. The Teacher was Father “peg leg” Norris who I found then to just be an asshole. Turns out he was a Pedo, He drank and ate free at the restaurant of another classmate a long closed joint in Little Italy. I came by my atheism honestly!

    • Hop-Frog says:

      I suspect I was in that same Latin class, though I think only one of those brothers was in it. The only comfort I can take in the name of that sports venue is in fantasizing it’s named for the other brother, rather than the soulless bastard who put up a tiny part of the millions he screwed out of hard-pressed poor folks to put his name on it. My feet were firmly planted on the road to atheism by “the Pig,” “Father” Paul Burke, who I figure was too dissolute to even attempt to seduce vulnerable youngsters.

  4. bamboozer says:

    I just read the bible cover to cover to seal the deal, like most Atheists I educated myself about religion before chucking it in the trash.