DL Open Thread: Thursday, December 10, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 10, 2020

3,140 Deaths.  In one day in the United States.  More deaths than happened during 9-11.  Somewhere, a President seeks to overthrow the election. Priorities, pipples.

Biden’s Finalists For AG.  Gimme Sally Yates.

Yep, Trump’s DOJ Has Been Investigating Hunter Biden Since 2018.  Started during the Matt Whitaker reign at (In)Justice. Remember him?

Hmmm, I HAVE Been Feeling Depressed Lately…Look, I know that pill mix-ups aren’t funny (my wife is a pharmacist).  Still…

Inside Biden’s Meeting With Civil Rights Leaders.  Some insight into Biden’s thinking.

Landlords Starting To Evict With Vengeance.  It will get worse in January. Much worse.

There Will Be No Trump Comeback In 2024.  I pretty much agree with this analysis…which doesn’t even include the legal challenges awaiting him.

When Senators Become Enfeebled.  The article is mainly about Diane Feinstein. However, if Tom Carper had Feinstein’s stature, it would be about him.

Legalize It.  Of course, it’s long past time to do it.  Will the General Assembly and John Carney agree?

Yep, It’s OK To Mow Down Delaware Deer With Semi-Automatic Weapons.  I think the Court got it right, because the legislators got it wrong.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. All Seeing says:

    I saw Carper with the US Attorney as if it was his man and he is all over Hunter Biden wtf is that? Carper is very creepy for sure.

  2. puck says:

    COVID virus dies on its own after a few days anyway. I’m more worried about electronic bugs.

  3. Trump’s Biggest Supporters? Those Who Identify As ‘Men’s Men’:


  4. puck says:

    There is a law on the books that says you must have ended active duty for 7 years before becoming Sec of Defense, or be granted a Congressional waiver. This waiver has been granted only twice: once for George Marshall in 1950, and again for James Mattis in 2017.

    I’ve decided I’m opposed to granting a waiver for retired General Lloyd Austin or any other military person as Sec of Defense. Joe please go find a civilian. Don’t normalize this. Keep a bright line for civilian control of the military. Especially don’t force a fight in Congress over the waiver.


    “Jim Golby, a senior fellow at the University of Texas at Austin’s Clements Center for National Security, argues that a waiver shouldn’t be granted. He said the Mattis waiver was predicated on having a military leader to stabilize decision-making under an inexperienced president, whereas Biden’s goal is a return to normalcy.”

    “If Congress grants this waiver, it will be very difficult to re-establish this law as mattering in practice,” he said. “The more we blur the lines between civilian and military, the more we will weaken our military and make it more political and less effective. We’ll end up with liberal generals and conservative generals, not American generals.”

  5. Alby says:

    “We’ll end up with liberal generals and conservative generals, not American generals.”

    Substitute political party for ideology and you have what was actually the norm in the 19th century. It didn’t change much until we effectively overruled the Founders and instituted a standing army.

    Given the country’s longstanding love of generals in the White House, I’m inclined not to give much of a shit about this. IMHO, generals running the DoD is a lot less dangerous than generals running the country. If David Petraeus hadn’t fucked his biographer we might have had another.

    • Hop-Frog says:

      I was initially concerned about Biden’s nominating a general to lead the DoD, but then began to think it was a canny move to get Gen. Austin’s nomination through the Senate.

      With their reflexive reverence for the military, even the most hidebound Republican would find it difficult to justify voting down a four-star general, while also being able to virtue-signal that of course they’re not racist.

      On the positive side for Austin, he’s deeply experienced in the conflicts we’re fighting now, appears to have learned from our earlier failures in policy and isn’t a showboat.

      I certainly wish him well, provided he survives the Democrats’ usual circular firing squad.

    • Biden Steals says:

      from a loser who never served one day in uniform

  6. More Biden Appointments:


    Say what you want, this looks like Obama III to me. Whether that’s good or not remains to be seen.

  7. bamboozer says:

    Trump is morbidly obese, doubt he’ll live to see 2024 let alone run for office, and damned if it ain’t a good thing. As for the “manly men” who voted for Trump eff them too, their the same clowns who drive the gun trade and I strongly suspect much of it is compensating for something else. Will let you guess what. As for Legalization the people want it and it would pad the states budget. Having said that it makes far too much sense for the cop lovers.

    • Alby says:

      Here’s what I don’t get about the cops complaining that if marijuana were legal they’d lose their excuse for searching vehicles: It still would be illegal to smoke while driving. If they smelled pot in a car they’d still be able to cite the driver, and they could still use it as grounds for a search warrant unless the courts decide otherwise.

  8. mouse says:

    Can’t find stats on average deaths by months compared to now with COVID

  9. Biden Steals says:

    COVID 99.6% survival rate
    only 6% deaths solely from COVID
