DL Open Thread Friday, December 25, 2020

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 25, 2020

A large explosion in downtown Nashville this morning was apparently was deliberately set, according to authorities. No major injuries reported.

The Croda chemical plant near the Delaware Memorial Bridge was briefly restarted for testing, and it failed. Equipment is emitting four times the amount of ethylene oxide it’s permitted for, putting its future in doubt.

The Brexit deal is nearly completed. According to the New York Times, the final deal is a free-trade agreement that recognizes Britain’s desire to leave the single market and the customs union while preserving tariff-free, quota-free trade in goods with the European Union.

Should Congress overturn Trump’s veto of the defense bill, it will put a dent in Delaware’s shell-company-incorporation profits. The bill includes a provision that would require companies disclose their ownership to the Treasury Department. Though Delaware’s a leader in this, currently you can set up an anonymous shell company in any state in the union.

Add anything you’d like to talk about, and Happy Holidays (I would say merry Christmas, but I’d rather annoy the trolls).

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