Open Thread – Monday January 11th 2021

Filed in National by on January 11, 2021

(Up to) 9 days left until Trump turns into more of a pumpkin.

Biden to use Gordons Pond parking lot for Marine One

Presidential helicopter will touch down around the corner from North Shores home.
I like that President Biden is going to be using his Rehoboth home as his get away spot.

Dumbfuck CEO arrested for breaching the US Capitol during Trump-fueled insurrection

The CEO of a Chicago company said he was arrested after breaching the US Capitol during Wednesday’s Trump-fueled insurrection in Washington, DC.

Brad Rukstales, CEO of the marketing technology firm Cogensia, apologized for what he called a “moment of extremely poor judgment.”   “It was the single worst personal decision of my life,” Rukstales said in a statement posted on Twitter
For many businesses, this is what Brexit has quickly become: a logistical, regulatory and administrative burden for which they were unprepared. It will only add to the malaise in Britain, where the coronavirus pandemic is raging — last week one in 50 people in England had the virus, and the country is under its third national lockdown. And analysts say the economy is heading for a double-dip recession.

Nancy Pelosi on what happens if Trump pardons himself  

VIDEO – Nancy was on 60 minutes last night.  Jesus she is old.  Can’t we get some fresh blood in leadership, at least some fresh plasma into the existing leadership?


Doug Pederson’s future as Eagles’ head coach hazy: report

Money & Investing

Sell your Parler Stock

The CEO of the conservative-friendly social app Parler said that all of its vendors have abandoned the company following recent bans from Google, Apple, and Amazon.

“Every vendor, from text message services to email providers to our lawyers, all ditched us too, on the same day,” Parler CEO John Matze said in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

On a personal note I want to sincerely thank El Som for holding down the Open Thread throughout the Trump years. I had a serious mental breakdown when Trump was elected and I know DL wouldn’t have survived if Al and EL-S didn’t pick up my copious slack. But here we are and I’m looking forward to the news for the first time in a long, long, time.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Jason330 says:


  2. nemski says:

    How’s your welcoming tent for contrite GOPers going?

  3. When you’ve lost the PGA…:

    Trump golf club loses major PGA championship. Trump, stop me if you’ve heard this before, threatens lawsuit.

  4. VenialCyn says:

    I appreciate the non-paywalled links in this edition of the Open Thread!

    And now I know that Grape Soda is a racist trope… obvs something everybody BUT me already knew! :/

    • Luis says:

      Nope, haven’t a clue either. Still don’t. Never in my 69 yrs have I ever heard or read “Grape Soda” being used as a racial epithet. So… sorry about my unwokeness.

      • Alby says:

        The poobahs at the Jockey Club didn’t realize it, either, or they wouldn’t have approved the name.

        In fact, nobody would probably have noticed had the trainer not gone out of his way to say that the name was “in honor” of a Black racing analyst he dislikes.

  5. puck says:

    Insurrectionists are being taken down and perp-walked all over the country. They’re on the no-fly list too.

    My favorite so far is this white guy pinned on the airport floor by three cops, wailing “You’re treating me like a f**king black person!!”

    Seems they were right about “The Storm,” but miscalculated who it would hit.

  6. jason330 says:

    “Insurrectionists are being taken down and perp-walked all over the country. They’re on the no-fly list too.”

    Love it, but when do we get to see our first DEGOP member in jail?

  7. bamboozer says:

    Saw two young women on the no fly list hauled away, enjoyed it immensely. Good question about the Delaware Republicans, would love to see a few charged but not holding my breath as I don’t believe in miracles. But not to worry, the far right is planning more fun and games. Perhaps this time the police and National Guard will be ready. Perhaps.