The Delaware Senate Republicans who refused to congratulate Biden and Harris are awful, but the statement on why they voted against a simple bit of civility and decency is appalling beyond measure. It has the hallmarks of being written by the very appalling creep, Anthony Delcollo. It is meant to signal that Democrats interested in governing and proper order will find only hatred and bitterness if they expect to work with Republicans. I think we have to the votes, and I hope we have the political will to utterly ignore these fucking assholes. They are sorely in need of being judged by the content of thier character.
Am I 1A or 2C ? We are all going to need a “draft card” of some sort, or social media misinformation is going to run riot.
People outside Delaware’s highest priority group were vaccinated at DMV drive-thru clinic
Pardon’s for sale! Come get your PARDONS! Only two days left to get your sweet, juicy pardon!!
Giuliani associate told ex-CIA officer a Trump pardon would ‘cost $2m’ – report
Pentagon Report Paints Grim Picture Of America’s Industrial Decline
If businesses appear to have discovered how horrible Republicans are, it is because their workers have forced that discovery on them. SOLIDARITY, Motherfuckers!
Workers Are Standing Up to Far-Right Violence
Yacht racing is a thing. Who knew?