DL Open Thread Thursday, April 1, 2021

Filed in National by on April 1, 2021

Joe Biden has proposed a $2 trillion infrastructure plan. Vox has a good explainer outlining what it does and how Democrats hope to pass it. Politico notes it has set off what might become the largest lobbying effort in memory.

Schadenfreude meters around the nation redlined yesterday when the New York Times revealed that showboating Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Bad Theater) is under investigation in a sex-trafficking case that was started under William Barr’s watch. Gaetz responded by demonstrating that the GOP death cult is also a shark tank. He went on Tucker Carlson’s White Power Hour and proceeded to remind viewers that Carlson has faced allegations of sexual misbehavior and even tried to implicate Carlson in his crimes. Then he tried to exonerate himself by explaining that he’s cooperating with the FBI in a corruption case against another Florida politician. Here’s an explainer for those who want to do more than point and laugh.

Great read from the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, who got hold of a tape of a conference call, held shortly after the Georgia run-off elections, between a top Mitch McConnell aide and representatives of conservative dark-money groups. Turns out they’re alarmed to learn that their new populist constituency actually approves of banning dark money, and Mayer details their deliberations on how to get their own voters on their side.

Public pressure has spurred the CEOs of Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines to criticize Georgia’s voter suppression law; both called it “unacceptable.” Let’s see if this is more effective than thoughts and prayers.

New York has become the latest state to legalize recreational marijuana use. Though it will be an estimated 18 months before sales begin, users can indulge immediately except in restricted areas, a category that includes, absurdly, colleges.

Meanwhile, in Red State news, Montana’s RWNJ governor trapped and killed a radio-collared wolf from Yellowstone National Park. Montanans aren’t against killing wolves; Greg Gianforte is being criticized as an irresponsible trapper.

A bidding war has broken out over the rotting carcass of print journalism, as civic-minded billionaires try to halt the sale of a major newspaper chain to a job-slashing hedge fund.

Los Angeles police investigators know the reason for the crash of Tiger Woods’ SUV but won’t release the information, citing “privacy concerns.” So with the police, apparently, rich and famous trumps Black and Asian.

Finally, a PhD student in vertebrate paleontology looks at one of the most important issues of the day: Who will win the Godzilla-vs.-Kong movie monster mash?

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Dave says:

    “…As a moderate, I would normally be concerned about large, expensive, programs, but I think the nation needs a very large jump start because of both Trump and the pandemic.”

    There is hope for you, Grasshopper. Keep reading DL and listening to REV’s podcast. We’ll make a left of center moderate out of you eventually.

    • Dave says:

      Yeah, I’m already a social liberal. I’ll never change my moderate stripes. Here’s the deal. I’m not big or small government. I am for government of the right size. Nor am I laissez-faire government. Sometimes government must lead. This is one of those times. Still, I would be happier if infrastructure were actually going to be given a large piece of the pie in the bill. I think it’s being shortchanged. Even with its faults, this bill is a necessary jump-start.

      Interestingly though, would anybody, and I mean anybody at all, ever have suggested that someone like Joe was transformational? I mean really. Forget about whether he might be, just think of anyone characterizing him in that manner…

  2. Ben says:

    A few years ago I said “Ugh, this Geatz dude can go fuck himself”

    Looks like he took my advice