DL Open Thread: Monday, April 5, 2021

Filed in National by on April 5, 2021

Chauvin is guilty as fuck fo the murder of George Floyd…will it matter?

 “Reasonable Officer” standard is key in Chauvin murder trial

Florida is a literal shit hole.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. meatball says:

    The Florida spill is much worse than a sewage spill. This is wastewater from phosphorus mining. As The Associated Press noted, the ponds “sit in stacks of phosphogypsum, a solid radioactive byproduct from manufacturing fertilizer.” The much higher than sewage concentrations of nitrogen and specifically phosphorus that likely contain uranium and radium will in addition to contaminating the estuary for thousands of years will most likely spawn fish killing algae blooms that will decimate the FL west coast tourist market. This is a much bigger story than what’s being told .

    • Jason330 says:

      Yeah sounds very bad. Hard to feel sorry for those fucking morons though.

      • Andrew C says:

        One of the very bad effects of the Bush years especially was a complete vitriol of “red states” and every single person living in them, perpetuated by Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore in particular. (The two did it again just a few months ago, when they said Texas should be left to die during the snowstorm and Southern states resisting the vaccine should just not get it.)

        Yeah, we can lambast “all Republicans” because you choose to be one of those, or even “all Christians” but that’s a little more challenging since almost no children truly choose that. But just calling a whole state “fucking morons” doesn’t do anything productive. Are there a lot of morons in Florida? You bet. But also in New York, California, and Pennsylvania. It’s just as lame as calling everyone who lives in Sussex County backwoods rednecks. Sure, lots are, but lots also aren’t. This is unhelpful.

        • Alby says:

          To your point, the bad things that happen in such states happen disproportionally to the people who didn’t vote for Republicans in the first place. For example, DeSantis made the vaccine available to his donors; low-income essential workers, not so much.

        • meatball says:

          Agreed, this is really an opportunity to mitigate sites like this with federal resources and heavily tax farmers, chemical companies and (Delaware) Florida government for allowing this shit to happen. This should literally be a superfund site and a driver for “infrastructure” as this has been a known crisis in waiting for decades. Ripe fruit for a progressive agenda. But fuck you Jason.