Where are you on Dems making a real gun safety push?

Filed in National by on April 18, 2021

I have to admit, I’ve been in both the “go big” and “be realistic” camps.

Obviously, the anti-gun safety/radicalized right is a real threat to our life, liberty and well being. Every mass-murder urges us to treat easy access to military weapons like the public health crisis it is.

But I also get the more cynical electoral “x’s & o’s” argument that this issue is a proven loser for Dems.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    You know… rereading this: But I also get the more cynical electoral “x’s & o’s” argument that this issue is a proven loser for Dems.

    It seems like outdated CW to me. I think gun safety has been and can be a winner for Dems if they own it.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Here ignorance and love of the precious gun hangs heavy in the air, the response to the latest gun related slaughter is always “Well if they were armed it would not have happened!” as if the cure for gun violence is, you guessed it, more guns. You will never win these people over, deal with it. If the Dems had any backbone it would be worth a shot to appeal to the sane people out there, sadly they do not and perhaps never will. Have resigned myself to America as The Wild West will go on and that thousands more will die. We let it happen, we deserve the blame as a nation and as a people.

    • Alby says:

      If Australia could buy back all the military-style rifles, so can we. They have a culture that is, if anything, even more wedded to toxic masculinity than ours, but they did it.

  3. puck says:

    Reinstating the ban on sale and manufacture of assault weapons and magazines would be a good start. We’d need a good definition of assault weapon, but that is not impossible. It’s not gun grabbing if the gun is never built.

    As for possession of existing assault weapons, the longstanding ban on machine guns doesn’t seem to be controversial anymore. We start by adding the worst semi-automatic weapons to that list.

    I’m at a loss for what to do about handguns.

  4. Kent says:

    Not even hiding it anymore. Openly for shredding the US and Delaware constitutions. And for what? California has both a license to purchase, magazine restrictions and even an assault weapons ban and yet the mass shootings continue.