What happens if Republicans never certify a Democratic win ever again?

Filed in National by on May 11, 2021

The GOP is now the party of white supremacists and billionaire donors. It’s the party of gerrymandering, false accusations of election fraud, and voter suppression. It’s the party of Donald Trump. The GOP has made it clear that any Republican in favor of fair elections will be ousted, ostracized, and threatened with physical harm or death. There’s no room for Romney, Cheney, or Jeff Flake in the new Republican party. It’s doing everything it can to establish minority rule in the United States, including calling for rioters to attack elected officials. Republicans will never certify a Democratic win again because if they do, they’ll be admitting they lost fairly and that most voters don’t support them.

In an essay for Washington Monthly, David Atkins asks, “What Happens When Republicans Simply Refuse to Certify Democratic Wins?” – Via BoinBoing

The short answer is that the matter would go to the courts. The clear rule of law says that state legislatures cannot overrule the will of the voters. But if the vote isn’t officially certified, there is no official will of the voters. There are laws stating that elections must be certified by certain dates, but there a dearth of precedent around what happens if they don’t. And given the Trump administration’s stacking of the lower courts and the wildly conservative imbalance on the Supreme Court, it’s not clear that the outcome would favor the preservation of democracy. Nor is it clear that the matter would be resolved in time to prevent civil conflict–or, in fact, that Republicans in the state or federal legislative branches would honor the Court’s authority should it side against them.

A Republican Party hostile to democracy can use America’s creaky Constitutional system to create a series of unprecedented roadblocks to majority rule. Not just by suppressing the vote or drawing unfair districts, but by refusing to accept the vote itself. The result could throw the nation into political violence unseen since the days of Ku Klux Klan terrorism if not the Civil War itself.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    What happens if Republicans never certify a Democratic victory?
    If there’s going to be street violence, Dems will have to buy guns.
    When Dems start buying guns, GOP moves from voter suppression to firearms suppression (current gun owners grandfathered in, of course).
    Gun control, kinda sorta.
    (tongue planted firmly in cheek)

  2. puck says:

    Go right now TODAY and vote against the Trumpists running for your school board.

  3. bamboozer says:

    This idea has been floated in the recent past, some say it is part of the Republicans plans and it would not surprise me. In particular I would not be surprised to see every election they lose contested and games like the pathetic “Cyber Ninjas” played. As noted don’t bet on the courts to make it clear, right or responsible.