DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Filed in National by on July 13, 2021

A bunch of rats are now pretending that they were the secretly opposing Trump from within the West Wing.  How are they doing it?  By testifying?  By bringing charges?  No, by feeding gossipy shit to Michael Wolff and Bob Woodward.

Giuliani assembled the Trump campaign legal team in a room that overflowed with trash and had a ‘rotting smell,’ a new book says

“The room had not been cleaned since Election Day, eleven days before,” the book said. “Refuse filled the trash cans and overflowed onto the floor. There was a heavy sour or rotting smell — in the trash was a week-old Buffalo chicken sandwich — mixed with Giuliani’s reliable farting.”

Trump called AG Bill Barr a ‘phony’ who would ‘lick the floor if I asked him to,’ book says

Via BoingBoing:

Representative Adam Kinzinger had a field day on Jake Tapper’s show, referring to MTG and Lauren Boebert, two of the horse people of the Qnut apocalypse, as “garbage politicians” and “absolute clown politicians.”

“If you’re a Republican voter, do not listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene,” he begged. “The vaccine is safe, COVID is real, get vaccinated. Because if you are going to listen to the outrage, by the way, in March, she’s [Taylor Greene] was bragging about Donald Trump creating the vaccine and now she’s saying basically the vaccine is going to kill you.”

“I call on Leader [Kevin] McCarthy, I call on every leader in the Republican Party to stand up, say get vaccinated, and to call out these garbage politicians — these absolute clown politicians playing on your vaccine fears for their own selfish gain,” he concluded.

Reparations of a sort.

Maybe Some Federal Money for Capping 95 in Wilmo

Officials are looking to spend significantly to address transportation infrastructure which has created societal divides, in cities like Wilmington where interstate highways run directly through communities.

Delaware’s U.S. Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester is working with U.S. Representative Dwight Evans (D-Pennsylvania) to try and send communities like Wilmington and Philadelphia $3 billion to reconnect.

“The purpose of legislation is really to go back and fix some of the wrongs from before, when communities were separated by I-95 going through them,” Blunt Rochester said Monday. “This bill is really to do three things: it is to provide grants for community engagement and education; and then it’s about planning; and lastly about infrastructure itself, and making sure that we are connecting those communities–for all kinds of reasons. Everything from environmental justice and health, to economics and making sure that the economy is strong, and also to make sure that our neighborhoods are healthy.”

Texas Democrats Arrive in Washington to Pressure Weak-Ass DC Dems to Fight for Voting Rights  Texas House Democrats have left the state in a second attempt to block controversial Republican legislation that critics have slammed as voter suppression.

“We are coming to DC to put pressure on them to act, because this isn’t just Texas,” Texas Democratic state Rep. John Bucy III told CNN’s Erin Burnett on Monday.
“All over the South and in Republican states, we are seeing voter suppression bills. We need Congress to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act,” said Bucy, who unlike his colleagues set off the long drive from Texas to the US capital.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Michael Wolff apparently got a lot of that gossipy shit by speaking to the Previous Guy himself. This is worth reading for Wolff’s no-hedging description of the Trump he has dealt with through the years.

    This is something the media does not transmit about DT: His constant need for attention. He will talk to just about anybody. And one of the reasons we have a Trump-led movement in this country is that media organizations assigned their political reporters, rather than the reporters who knew him all too well, to cover his presidency.

    When my wife used to cover the Miss America pageant in Atlantic City for Gannett, the reporters would gather in the bar at the end of the day and invariably Trump would try to join them. Nobody liked him, nobody wanted him there, but it was his bar in his hotel so they couldn’t kick him out. Of all his childish behaviors, his need for constant attention is the saddest.

    Excerpt from the Wolff interview with Der Spiegel, explaining why Trump would talk to him despite Wolff’s two scathing books about his presidency:

    Trump told his people that guy – me – gets big ratings, so let’s see him. For Trump the goal is almost entirely the media attention. Good, bad, indifferent, doesn’t matter. I’m not the only author he has seen, but I would assume that I’m the most disliked author that he’s seen. But that doesn’t play into his conception of the world. It’s not like or dislike. It’s not right or wrong. It’s what can you do for me? It’s just about answering his needs, desires and inclinations in the moment. So, here’s a guy, he sells a lot of books, why not? And it’s not as if you’re going there and actually having an exchange.

  2. jason330 says:

    Fucking cops.


    The last words Michael Chad Breinholt heard were, “You’re about to die, my friend.”

    Then a West Valley City police sergeant pulled the trigger.

    Breinholt’s mother, Susan Neese, has seen the final moments of her 31-year-old son’s life. The body camera footage from Aug. 23, 2019, shows he was intoxicated at the police department.

    With his hands cuffed behind his back, he briefly wrestled with two officers. One screamed that Breinholt was grabbing his holstered gun. Sgt. Tyler Longman rushed into the room, made his declaration and fired.

    • Alby says:

      The story’s point: This is the third person that cop shot. If something had done after the first one, this man would still be alive.

      This is why it’s so important for the public to have access to individual cop records, and why the cops fight so hard not to give it to us.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Here in Delaware we’re still waiting for police reform, as we all know the cop cabal will block any bill worth the passing. Actually we’re lucky there have been no shootings like Michael Chad Breinholt. Yet.

  4. Bill Martin says:

    Ah, I think the thing to remember about Trump is that he’d 100% rather be making the news today for feuding with, like, a Dame Edna impersonator who was “very, very rude” to him–rather than talking about whatever the right-wing’s cause du jour is (1619 project, phony riots in Cuba, “The Wall,” etc.). He is The News Bitch, obsessed with gossip, and he always will be.

    I guess there’s maybe a rather feasible chance he can be elected president again!? That said, I will never underestimate his laziness.

    The I-95 “cap” remains perplexing to me. It feels like a very bird-brained, 2005-era idea. There’s no definitive plan, no legislators seem to be me making any concrete proposals, and this feels like the kind of thing we will be like, “oh yeah! remember that?!” in 2031. Is the goal to connect the homes just to the east of 95 with Cool Spring and Tilton Park? Or is it still more abstract than even that?

    • Alby says:

      You’re right, it does have a Market Street Mall feel to it.

      My problem with it boils down to priorities. If we’re going to spend a quarter of a billion dollars on infrastructure, the city’s sewer system screams out for attention.

      Though the media don’t mention it anymore, untreated sewage still goes into the Christina virtually every time it rains — you know, the river they consider a tourist attraction. Imagine if they didn’t.

    • Alby says:

      Also, too, a lot of ills plague those neighborhoods, and connecting them across the interstate ranks pretty low among solutions — especially at the $250 million price tag I heard floated.