Delaware Liberal

Brady Announces He Won’t Run Again…

…according to Matt Bittle, whose Twitter feed is alive and better than ever, and according to sharp-eyed DL commenter Harold.  Here is what Brady wrote on his Facebook page:

However, my recent actions – using a deeply offensive anti-Asian slur and attempting to make a crass joke about human trafficking – make it more difficult to effectively provide the kind of representation all residents of the 4th District expect and deserve. All residents should have elected officials who serve and treat others with dignity and respect, whether it’s in public forums or in private communications.

There can be no excuse for my actions, and after careful reflection these past several days, I have decided that I will not seek re-election when my term ends. I cannot in good conscience ask the voters to put their faith in me again after I betrayed theirs. I can only humbly and unequivocally apologize again for my actions, for which I am solely responsible.

This clearly is not good enough.  He’s admitted that he can’t effectively represent the district any longer.  He has by his own admission denigrated every woman and every Asian American in his district.  In his own words (well, Drew Volturo’s approximation of his own words), he is no longer representing his district.  So why should he hang around as an admittedly ineffective representative for the next 15 months?

I think this is a (doomed) attempt by the Kop Kabal to keep Brady’s karkass in Dover until they can redraw the lines and try to find some other way to retain power.

BTW, does this mean that he no longer has to undergo ‘sensitivity’ training? (He says he will.)  Where was he gonna undergo it? At a nail salon?

Once again, the ethical bankruptcy of the House Democratic leadership is right there for all to see.

If someone can find out where he’s actually living now, I am all in on showing up to picket. Failing that, we can always chant Gerrr-Ald, Gerrr-Ald, outside the Stapler Club.  He. Must. Resign.

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