We can now definitively state that Joe Biden was wrong when he predicted that the Republican fever would break once Trump was out of office. A nation in which Republican governors push experimental antibody treatments but shun vaccines and masks and the public responds by consuming large-animal dewormer, causing an enormous spike in poison control calls is not a nation whose fever has broken. Indeed, as the Rude Pundit argues, this country has been suffereing from a low-grade fever of ignorance that stretches back to water fluoridation and beyond.
You’ve probably noticed all the “help wanted” signs in the windows of so many stores and restaurants. It’s all part of the way Covid changed Americans’ relationships with their jobs, possibly forever, in what economists are calling the Great Resignation.
Lots of stories over the past week or so on the nightmare federal court decisions. Al Franken notes one little procedural change that allowed Republicans to put dozens of unqualified bozos in robes for life: Elimination of the “blue slip” process that used to give senators blackball power over judicial nominees for their districts.
As summers grow hotter and everyone cranks up the air conditioning, people are starting to notice that creating cooler air inside creates hotter air outside. IMHO, it’s only a matter of time before most new homes are built underground.
The floor’s yours.