How Democrats lose seats during mid-terms:

Filed in National by on August 31, 2021

Media narratives typically favor conservatives. (eg. “Biden Debacle!” Instead of “Biden Successfully Ends 20 Year War!” Eg. “Biden Fails to Reach Vax Goal!” Not “Conservatives Literally Killing Themselves to Frustrate Biden’s Vax Goals!”)

Many Democrats allow the media narrative to influence their level of engagement.

Republicans play Democratic “moderates” against the base to drive down engagement.

Dem “Moderates” and campaign “consultants” propose timid and mostly useless tinkering with the tax code polices that appeal to conservatives but are impossible for Dems to run on.

As Dem losses begin to appear likely, Democratic “moderates” take part in vilifying the Democratic base for not supporting the timid and mostly useless agenda.

Republicans with no rational or popular policies, but a highly engaged base, win mid-term elections.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Factually 39 says:

    Trump ended the 20 year war, Biden just dropped the ball on the way out.

    • Alby says:

      Trump ended the 20 year war because Putin wanted him to. There, fixed it for you.

      • jason330 says:

        Of course “Biden Debacle!” Instead of “Biden Successfully Ends 20 Year War!” is just one example.

        I can’t think of a topic where the media doesn’t favor the conservative framing – from “Defund the Police” to the “economic cost” of addressing climate change.

        Hearing Democrats absentmindedly parrot the prevailing media narrative day in and day out makes me stabby.

        • Get out of Delaware says:

          Come on I voted for Joey Magoo but he’s out there! It’s a sad situation for him. He’s being used and will be tossed out in the coming months.

          • jason330 says:

            I understand this poor chap. I spent all of the Bush years and most of the Manchurian Pumpkin’s term wondering how it was possible that they were in office and knowing that “any day now” reality would intrude and correct the inconceivable cosmic mistake.

          • Alby says:

            I understand him, too. Lost in the fever swamps of right-wing propaganda. How is his life worse under Biden? Trick question. It’s not.