DL Open Thread Tuesday October 26th 2021

Filed in National by on October 26, 2021

The Next Generation of Delaware’s Leadership is Almost Exclusively Female

Lisa Blunt Rochester is probably going to replace Carper amicably (although I’d prefer a violent primary battle).  Sarah McBride clearly has statewide potential and ambitions.  Kathy Jennings must be considered in that group.   Will Chris Coons continue to rot in place and defy the manifest will of Delaware’s voters?  Betting on Coons being allowed to pull a Bill Roth is a long shot. Coons is no Roth. That means only Matt Meyer  has path to a future statewide office.

Even statehouse level leadership will be all female eventually.  The shift has already underway in the Senate. In the house,  Pete (an unhealthy looking 67 years old) is a lumbering bumbling dinosaur.  After him I don’t see a very deep bench among the guys.

I’m not saying the matriarchy will be any more enlightened or progressive than what we’ve had, but I’m not sad. The guys have had a nice long run.


Sport Gambling Overtakes Cancer, Now Tied With American Christianity as the Worst Thing Ever

I have no link, because I have no story.  I just have this nagging feeling that the unregulated sport gambling  isn’t super great for America.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Arthur says:

    Everything will always be second to social media as the worst thing wver

  2. Point of Order says:

    Can I just make a point with no judgement towards whether this person is good or not good….. but “next generation leadership” for Kathy Jennings? She’s nearly 70 years old.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      True. But I think she’d be a great Governor.

      BTW, we simply HAVE to add Marie Pinkney and Madinah Wilson-Anton to the list.

      Serious legislators who are moving their respective caucuses towards progressivism.

    • Jason330 says:

      Point taken.

      Current Sr Senator Carper 74
      Current Jr Senator Coons 58
      Current Governor Carney 65
      Rep in Congress LBR 59

      • PointofOrder says:

        so she should be carpers age if she were to run for governor……. is that next generation? im not sure of your point here? other than proving mine?

  3. bamboozer says:

    “American Style Christianity” is actually Southern Style Christianity, that’s what elevated it to cult status and made the cruelty of the old testament into an authoritative road map to force it on the rest of us. Being old sucks, but having a good memory (so far) makes it a little more fun as you remind our far right brethren what conservatism and Christianity used to mean.