Here Are The Final Senate Maps

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 26, 2021

Let’s see what changes I can find…

Slaughter Beach residents got their wish.  They’re back in the 18th SD (Wilson) and out of Bonini’s district, meaning the 18th now runs from Sussex’s westernmost boundary out into the Delaware Bay.  Hey, it’s what the residents who spoke at the hearing said they wanted.

It doesn’t look like SD 6 has changed much at all from the preliminary map.  Meaning, the new registration figures in that district will be:  17304 D;  14425 R; 10623 other.  Registration percentages:  40.8 D, 34.2 R, 15 I. While the district may not be a slam-dunk D district, I think it’s close to one.  Because there aren’t a lot of stealth R’s among the D’s in this district, and there are some anti-Trump R’s, which portends a split amongst R voters.  Should the D’s nominate someone other than Mitch Crane or Jack Bucchioni, they’ll likely win this seat.

I didn’t spot any other major changes.  Anything I missed, or anything you want me to check on?

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  1. Bill says:

    Mitch took to his Facebook this morning and said he is not running.
    Hopefully the 6th nominates somebody under the age of 65, or at the bare minimum Bucchioni learns how to use technology like a normal person.

  2. A says:

    Disappointing that leadership saw fit to hack the district with a predominant LGBTQ community and stick so many of them in a new district where they will not only be under-represented, but seen as enemies.

    I believe they purposefully cut Mitch out of the district.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Wanted: One original thought from you.

      As opposed to the regurgitations of others’.

      • A says:

        Let’s not get it mixed up, you may not like my thoughts; which is whatever, take it with a grain of salt. But that doesn’t make my thoughts unoriginal.

    • Slood says:

      Stop. Just stop. Youre embarrassing yourself.

      • A says:

        I lose sleep at night just wondering what the anonymous online community of DL will think of me and my supposedly unoriginal thoughts

  3. PointofOrder says:

    I’m sorry, how do you know the numbers of LGBTQ people and how do you know they will be “under-represented”? You just want to gerrymander the rich areas of the county from the poor/white. Just say it. I’m not sure what else you’re basing this on? I know many LGBTQ folks who are just as racist and just as against taxes as many of the MAGA folks in Sussex. Many of them didn’t retire to Delaware for nothing.

    One might take the approach to nominate a good candidate and win?….. Mitch wasn’t going to be that candidate no matter how much you cut it based on race and class….. His entitlement to it was in terrible form, especially given his history of, you know, being accused of harassing employees?

    Just shut the fuck up and stop whining. It’s getting really, really old.

    • A says:

      First and foremost I want to apologize that your life is so fragile that a online blog commenter can send you off the deep end.

      But anyway

      The census asks of those in relationships whether or not that relationship is a LGBTQ relationship, so that’s how I assume that data is gathered, I also assume data from places like Camp Rehoboth and Equality Delaware would be used to get those numbers.

      Your weird babble about wanting to split up the poor areas of the county vs. the wealthy parts of the county are very…. Telling, of your own thoughts. If you believe LGBT people will be equally represented in a district where the confederate flag flys freely on many homes, Trump signs still take real estate in many yards, and where most think the vaccine is a conspiracy… maybe that’s YOUR own privileged thinking at work.

      Not saying Mitch would’ve been the perfect candidate, but his community involvement would have made him a great constituent services Senator.

      Be blessed

      • El Somnambulo says:

        He was a lazy-ass candidate for IG. He spews little more than drivel here. Not exactly the profile of a ‘great constituent-services Senator’.

        Hey, people can change. But past performance suggests it’s not likely in Mitch’s case.

      • Alby says:

        Your assumption that all LGBT voters want the same things says a lot about your own thoughts, so right back atcha.

        An anonymous commenter slagging anonymous commenters who call them out? What are you trying to do, win some kind of award for hypocrisy?

        • A says:

          Alby, I bet it’s pretty safe to assume all LGBTQ voters want decent representation for the community.

          • Alby says:

            Ah yes, because they all define themselves principally by their sexual orientation, and therefore any LGBTQ person will be exactly what each and every one of them wants. Sort of like how Clarence Thomas represents exactly what Black Americans want of a Supreme Court justice.

            Do you even hear yourself?

          • Alby says:

            Do you have a breakdown of how many LGBTQ voters (BTW, I’m pretty sure the Qs are not represented in the census) there are in each of the new districts? Thank you in advance.

            If they were all in one district, would they constitute a majority? A near majority?

  4. Another Mike says:

    I’ve gotta say I’m disappointed to be cut out of Sarah McBride’s district. She’s excellent, very responsive and just a heck of a nice lady. I’m now in District 5 with Kyle Evans Gay. Can someone tell me what I should expect from her?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Kyle is my senator, and I think she’s great. Progressive voting record, with an emphasis on public education and ensuring that families in need receive the services they deserve.

      Not as high-profile as Sarah, but a tremendous addition to that caucus. She’s also ‘a heck of a nice lady’.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    House maps still not up. Betcha it’s the Ramone issue they’re seeing if they can fix. If Ramone goes back into the 21st, then Barry should go back into the 21st.

    Knowing the ethical bankruptcy of that leadership and their desperate need to retain that leadership, I betcha they have someone malleable in mind to take over that seat, and they don’t want anything/anybody to threaten it.

    • jason330 says:

      Ramone could have fixed it in advance by not living on the edge of his old district. Fuck that guy. If Pete protects that sack of puss he deserves medieval punishments.

      • El Somnambulo says:

        I despise Ramone. But, Pete could have drawn him into Mike Smith’s district. He didn’t. He drew him into Baumbach’s. He could have kept Stephanie Barry in the 21st. He didn’t. He drew her into Smith’s district.

        Plus, I don’t buy into this ‘living on the edge of the district’ meme. First, were that true, then several legislators could meet the same fate. Second, it has been selectively applied. Third, if you live in a district, who cares where in the district you live?

        I’m telling you, there’s something else afoot here. They’ve got somebody they want from the 21st, and it’s clearly not Stephanie Barry.

        Having said that, the R’s are totally fine with the Senate maps. But there could be discord in the House, and perhaps not just from R’s if this isn’t addressed.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      House maps STILL not up.

      • El Somnambulo says:

        Ho-kay. 9:45 pm, House maps still not up. I’m done for tonight.

        Just remember–The Special Session to vote on the maps is this coming Monday. Senate at 12, the House at 2. One bill, all 62 districts.

        Senate maps have been up since Monday. When will the House deign to release theirs, and what’s the hold-up?