Hey, put this on your “to do” list then make sure to do it.

Filed in National by on November 23, 2021

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    It is a zoom thing. We, dear DL family, have no excuse for not typing a comment in support of the bill and against amendments that weaken it while your legislator is on the line.

  2. I agree. However, nothing approaching meaningful reform will ever pass the House as long as the Kop Kabal is in charge. Nor, come to think of it, will legalized marijuana.

    I signed up, though…

  3. So far, everybody who has spoken on SB 149, including me, has supported SB 149, with no weakening amendments from the cops.

    I encouraged the senators to not weaken the bill, especially since the bill would have to run the gauntlet of the cop caucus in the House.

  4. Everybody who spoke tonight spoke in favor of SB 149.

    Which means that the cops were told to (figuratively) hold their fire.

    I’m not sure how strongly they will seek to water down the bill in the Senate since they’ve got so many ex-cops, cop wannabes, and cop groupies still serving in the House.

    Meaning, every cop cabal member in the D caucus, whether in leadership or not, must be challenged this year. BTW, I notice that Ruth Minor-Brown is a sponsor on this bill. Almost makes me want to see her stay in the House…