DL Open Thread: Saturday, January 1, 2022

Filed in National by on January 1, 2022

Hors d’oeuvres with the in-laws, bad football, in bed by 9:30.  Thanks for asking.

Oh, Happy New Year!

Enough with the pleasantries, on to the Real World:

Dog Bites Man: Chief Justice Roberts Says Federal Judiciary Doesn’t Need Congressional Intervention.  ‘We’re quite capable of destroying the country by ourselves.’

Frontier Justice: Idaho Sheriff Who Threatened Youth Group Must Surrender Guns, But Can Remain As Sheriff.  More like ‘Solomoronic’ justice.

Wait, What?  I’ve got a sweatshirt with a comma and a question mark on it with the phrase ‘Wait, what?’  I love that sweatshirt. It was a gift, and it’s funny.  But the phrase is on this year’s list of phrases that should be banished.  To me, the hands-down winner should be ‘You’re on mute’.  If you can’t figure out how to navigate a Zoom meeting by now, you should stay on mute.  Permanently.

Finally, time to start the year off with a mini-screed. Candidates Please cut back on the endless fundraising appeals, and fundraising appeals masquerading as ‘updates’.  I understand that you have year-end goals to reach and deadlines that must be met.  But, they’re not my goals or my deadlines.  I think the sheer relentlessness of the appeals is counter-productive.  I give to candidates I support. I give to organizations I support.  I understand that I’m a likely target as someone who donates.  But, seriously, dial it back.  It’s annoying.  I’ve unsubscribed from John Fetterman, who I support and to whom I’ve donated, because, as cute as his messages tried to be, there were too many of them.  I just unsubscribed to a local candidate who, after having not heard from them (nor was there a reason why I should have heard from them), sent three requests for $$’s yesterday in order to reach their goal.  Um, no.  Especially with no opponent on the horizon.

I’m not saying stop the appeals altogether.  But, JEE-zus, at least have some respect for those who would give to you.  Otherwise, I foresee the word ‘unsubscribe’ in your future. And mine.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Mike Dinsmore says:

    In bed by 9:30? Yikes! I don’t think I’ve been to bed that early this century, and I’m well in to my 70s! I hope that it was for reasons other than sleeping! 🙂

    Anyhow, Happy New Year to you and your family!