Chris Coons Refuses to Blame his Beloved Republicans for Jan 6th

Filed in National by on January 6, 2022

When people ask me why I have such a problem with Chris Coons, it is stuff like this.  Blaming Democrats and Republicans equally for the “division” leading to the Jan 6th riots.

Too often in recent years, we have chosen division. Now, we must choose to heal and strengthen our democracy, and lay the groundwork for future generations to sustain our trajectory along that most important path.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Extreme ass kissing even for Coons, make nice with the people that destroyed the tradition of a peaceful transition of power that was the envy of the world? That in one afternoon put us in the bush league of the third world? Be honest, there is no coming to terms with Coons, he must go and we must find a way.

  2. xyz says:

    Liberals to Chris Coons: “You must go!”

    Chris Coons to Liberals: “Bring it”

    Liberals: “Never mind”