Would you change your party affiliation to vote for Mike Castle* in a GOP primary?

Filed in National by on February 3, 2022

In order to save America and return the Republican Party to some semblance of sanity, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R–Ill) is hoping you will become a Republican.

From ABC:

Experts suggest the practice, sometimes known as “party raiding,” will be hard to execute on a broad scale, but Kinzinger warned that failure to shift the GOP’s embrace of Trump could undermine democracy or even a lead to “failed state.”

“People need to wake up to that real possibility,” Kinzinger, who is not seeking reelection this fall, told The Associated Press. “We have to be able to have uneasy alliances, as uneasy as they may be in this moment.

Kinzinger’s plan underscores the extraordinary challenges Trump antagonists face as they fight to purge Trumpism from the GOP using the existing political system, which offers party leaders little control if voters line up behind extremists. At the same time, Trump allies control the Republican Party infrastructure at the state and national levels — in addition to fundraising.

Kinzinger’s new campaign is designed to attack the root of Trumpism where it’s spreading with little resistance: in the Republican nomination process. Because the vast majority of Republican-held congressional seats are not competitive due to gerrymandering and cultural trends, the congressman argues that Trump-backed “extremists” can only be stopped in the Republican primaries that decide which candidate appear on the general election ballot.

His group this week posted detailed instructions on its website [Country First] instructing Democrats and unaffiliated voters about how to participate in upcoming Republican primary elections.

*I used Mike Castle in the headline because I literally could not think of a single sane Republican that would be a viable statewide candidate.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    FWIW – If nominated and if elected (a one trillion to one shot), I have no doubt that Mike Castle would be, “regrettably”, loyal to Trump. He always had a lot of regrets about being loyal to Speaker Tom Delay, but he was always a loyal supporter.

    Other than Liz Cheney, there is no opposition to Trump in the GOP. And if Coons is generally representative of the Democrats in congress – there is no opposition to Trump among Democrats either.

  2. mediawatch says:

    If Jack Markell or Mike Purzycki were running in a Republican primary, I’d strongly consider changing registration to vote for them (but only in the primary).

    • mediawatch says:

      I’ll add to my options: running as Republicans, Coons and Carper would also get my vote in a primary, but not the general.

    • puck says:

      In Delaware the Dem candidate is virtually guaranteed to win the general (except downstate), in large part because Republicans nominate such fringe-y wackjobs.

      So what exactly would be the benefit of helping Republicans nominate “saner” Republicans who have a better chance at beating the Democrat?

      It’s all fantasy-league talk anyway.

  3. AA says:

    Ernie Lopez?

  4. Sussex Worker says:

    Fortunately, Tom Delay never got to be Speaker. He was House Majority Leader. As to Mike Castle, he always expressed his “care and concern” for the plight of others; however, he just didn’t do anything for them. That was especially true for those he shared his private life with.

  5. puck says:

    To purge Trumpism, we must indict Trump and his lieutenants for sedition and conduct a public trial, and get all the gory evidence out there in full view. There will still be dead-enders, but Trump will become toxic to enough voters and funders that his endorsement will become the kiss of death.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Kinzinger is on a fool’s errand. Let’s game it out:

    10% of Democrats change registration to R
    Trump candidates lose to them in the Primary
    The 10% then vote for the Democrat in the general
    Trumpers say “See? RINOs can’t win elections!”

    It is far more effective to have R’s leave the Republican Party en masse and refuse to vote for any Republicans until they get the message. Let them be reduced to a party of a few southern states.

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    James Spadola, if he has any interest in running again, is the de facto head of the non-wacko wing of the GOP.

    He’s just got to get in early before KMG switches parties after her conviction and removal.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Spatula is MORE dangerous than the “whacko” wing.

      • ScarletWoman says:

        @Joe Connor Would like to hear more about why you think that. A couple years ago James was running in my district. I went to a very early meet’n’greet and he had the guts to disavow Trump and Trumpism loudly and clearly. At a time when it took guts to say that out loud in a room full of Brandywine Hundred Republicans. I am a bleeding heart liberal Dem, so I talked with him — grilled him — extensively then, and cautiously believed he could be a new breed …?

  8. Mouse says:

    It’s sad because most DE Democrats are corporate shills and there’s no alternative in the Republican party. Even a liberal republican like MD is still beholden to the nutcase party of white resentment

    • Most Delaware Democrats AREN’T corporate shills. Virtually every time they get a progressive option in a legislative primary at least, they choose the progressive.

      Too many elected officials and Party bigwigs ARE corporate shills,
      and/or Delaware Way lifers.

      Change has already started from the grassroots on up. We’ve just got to, well, let’s let Curtis Mayfield tell us what to do:


  9. Nancy Willing says:


    Mike Castle joins Better Delaware advisory board

    Former Governor and Congressman Mike Castle has joined as an Advisory Board member at A Better Delaware, public policy group.

    Chris Kenny, Chairman and Founder of A Better Delaware announced the addition of Castle to the board. “Governor Castle is one of Delaware’s most distinguished statesmen,” said Kenny. “ABD is fortunate to benefit from his wise counsel to generate pragmatic solutions to help advance our mission.”

    “A Better Delaware has established itself as a leading mainstream voice for taxpayer accountability and good governance,” said Castle. “I am pleased to join the board and look forward to helping the team fulfill ABD’s vision for Delaware that embraces a more favorable environment for job creators and delivering more balance in Dover.”

    During 40 years in public office, Castle served two terms as governor, from 1985 to 1992, before he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for nine terms.


    • ‘Pragmatic’. Meaning ‘Rethuglican’. Game, set, match.

    • jason330 says:

      That’s disgusting. But not surprising.

    • RE Vanella says:

      This is funny to me. I have a tribute to C DeMat on tomorrow’s episode. Senior Director of Dungeon Operations was a career spring board… Congrats!

      “Claire DeMatteis was confirmed by the Senate as the next Secretary of the Department of Human Resources (DHR). In her current position as Special Assistant to Governor Carney, DeMatteis oversees management of federal stimulus funding received by the State of Delaware, and assists with crisis management projects across state government.

      DeMatteis previously served as Commissioner of the Delaware Department of Correction from 2019-2021, as Special Assistant to Governor Carney overseeing reforms to Delaware’s corrections system, and in a senior role at the Delaware Department of Labor (DOL).”

  10. Calvin Sparks says:

    I would not. Not in Delaware anyway. My hope is that we eventually have a true Left Wing party in this Country. One that will push for an equitable dispersion of wealth, private property seizure, universal healthcare, serious criminal justice reform, universal basic income, and a serious change in our foreign policy. The Dems can become the center right party, and the wacko republicans can go the way of the dodo. If I lived in another state, I might consider it, just to help get rid of the wacko republicans.