Song of the Day 2/12: Weezer, “Hash Pipe”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on February 12, 2022

Very little American media output crosses the Atlantic, the obsessions of right-wing agit-prop shops like Fox even less than the rest. But enough spam email has slipped through for me to learn that these rube-fleecers are claiming the Biden administration is handing out free crack pipes, as if anyone has used a crack pipe in like the past 20 years. Or as if the Bush CIA was still running the stuff out of Noriega’s Panama.

Now a hash pipe, that’s different — you can buy those on Etsy, and they’re so cheap you don’t need a government handout to get one. People are still using them today, just as they were using them in 2001, when Rivers Cuomo released this on the band’s Green album, though in those quaint times MTV censored the word “hash” when they played the video. That was back before we had presidents who ate classified documents. Just for the record, the song, which Cuomo says he wrote under the influence of Ritalin and tequila, is a first-person narrative by a transvestite prostitute.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    GOOD ONE! Cool tune to say the least, way to go Alby!