DL Open Thread: Thursday, March 31, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 31, 2022

I Sure Hope That Madison Cawthorn Is Telling The Truth For Once.  He almost certainly isn’t, but still:

After Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) went on a podcast and alleged that some of his Republican colleagues in Congress are orgy-frequenting degenerates with a fondness for hard drugs, members of the House GOP had a simple response on Tuesday.

Name names.

According to Politico, lawmakers stood up unprompted and vented their frustration that their 26-year old colleague from North Carolina would suggest that lawmakers “leading on the movement to try and remove addiction” would “do a key bump of cocaine in front of you” or that people “I’ve looked up to through my life” in Congress had invited him to a “sexual get-together” at their homes as Cawthorn told the Warrior Poet Society podcast.  (The Warrior Poet Society podcast?)

Silly Rethugs: Don’t you know that character assassination is reserved to be hurled at your D colleagues?  I suppose now is the time to point out that those most obsessed about aberrant sexual behavior are often the ones most engaged in it.  They should probably just give in to what Tom Waits says: “Don’t you know there ain’t no devil, there’s just God when he’s drunk.”  Makes it easier to forgive themselves after they’ve done that ‘key bump of cocaine in front of (them)’.

Russia Occupied Chernobyl.  Soldiers Now Have Radiation Poisoning.  Cause: Meet effect.  A caveat:  Kos hasn’t been this big a cheerleader since he worshipped at the feet of Hillary Clinton.  Take everything you read about the war at Daily Kos with a healthy dose of skepticism.  Ditto for pretty much every other media outlet.

The Planning Behind The ‘Stop The Steal’ Lie:  Outstanding reporting from Pro Publica and NPR’s Frontline:

Part of the Frontline and ProPublica project focuses on a group that gathered in the weeks after the 2020 election on a South Carolina plantation owned by conservative defamation attorney Lin Wood. Using the property as a temporary headquarters, a team of lawyers and cybersecurity experts gathered and synthesized what they claimed was evidence of election fraud. This group, which included Michael Flynn, the retired three-star Army general and former national security adviser to Trump, and Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock.com, became a key originator of the since-discredited idea that foreign communist governments had hacked voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems. The belief was central to justifying the efforts of Trump and his allies to reverse the results of the election.

Watch the doc on NPR.  Right here.

President Manchin Kills Billionaire Tax.  I had the over/under at 24 hours.  Need to check with my bookie to see if I can collect.

More Blatant Corruption At Ft. DuPont.  No, not the resignation of Board Chair Bryon Short, which indeed did happen.  Instead, the lickety-split sale of Grass Dale to the RV Campground developers reveals the corruption of Sen. Poore and Val Longhurst.  Listen to ’em shrug their shoulders and claim there’s nothing they can do:

At the March 10th Board meeting both Short and Longhurst addressed citizen concerns over the sale of the Grass Dale parcel and said there wasn’t anything they could do about it now.

“There seems to be some misunderstanding that the corporation still owns that property, and we do not. That property is in private hands,” said Short.

Longhurst said she and Senator Poore had received communication from about fifty people about Grass Dale.

“They seem to think that we can stop the RV park from going forward which is unfortunate we cannot stop it,” said Longhurst during the board meeting.

Triple Bullshit.  All three were instrumental in the campground arrangement.  Why, wasn’t it just two weeks ago that the two legislative miscreants introduced a ‘charter change’ to enable Delaware City to enrich the ol’ coffers from campground rentals?  Why, yes, yes it was.  Yet here they are lamenting the ‘unfortunate’ ‘fact’ that there’s nothing they can do. Fact is, there’s nothing they’re willing to do because they’re both waist-deep in this corrupt muck.

A big shoutout to WDEL’s Mike Phillips who is the very first reporter to address this unethical morass.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    And so the long slumbering Ft. DuPont did become a profit center for the usual miscreants as the politicians lament the famed “unfortunate fact” and that they can do nothing. Seems they’ve already done more then enough. Like usual. Brings to mind the feeding frenzy that accompanied the building of Rt.1. Vintage Delaware, is it not?

    • Arthur says:

      I think the biggest difference is the minute rt 1 was open everyone knew it was outdated and not big enough to handle the traffic. Ft. Delaware wont have traffic to deal with

  2. Alby says:

    I’d bet folding money Cawthorn was talking about Gaetz.

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    Two news items in the 6th Senate race:

    1. Ryan Peters, who’s never donated to a Democrat but has given plenty to Libertarians and Republicans, unveils his campaign website and a very lengthy bio, which does not use the word “Democrat” anywhere: https://ryanfordelaware.com/about/

    2. Rep. Steve Smyk enters the race: https://www.capegazette.com/article/smyk-puts-his-hat-ring-senate/237553

    Since Peters has donated to Smyk in the past, a good reporter should ask him if he’ll be dropping out in favor of his buddy.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Good stuff. Smyk had made no secret that he was running. Been hanging around with his Senate Rethug cadres like he’s already one of them. While he COULD win, the numbers aren’t his friend in that district.

      I would strongly suggest that the harassment allegations against Smyk that Speaker Pete has kept buried surface during that campaign.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Bet Alby is right, Gaetz is in the lead for sleazebag of the year.

  5. Shameless says:

    Half-man Madison is just sour that he can’t get any strange on his own. I bet if he asked uncle Donnie he could have ivanka sit on his lap for 15 minutes