Delaware Political Weekly: April 22-28, 2022

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 29, 2022

1. Dem Kingmakers Unite Behind Marcus Henry To Succeed Matt Meyer.  Why did all of these ‘influencers’ flock to Henry’s side for his announcement?  Here are my thoughts.  First, as we all know, Matt Meyer is running for Governor in 2024, which is when his term as NCC Executive expires. Still, like John Carney, Henry has been a career aparatchik.  Why are so many circling the wagons around Henry?  The answer, IMO, depends on each of the would-be kingmakers. Except…:

The most likely alternative to Henry would be Karen Hartley-Nagle. It has long been established that she is unfit for public office (like Kathy McGuiness, who is not drawing the same concerns from the self-proclaimed grown-ups in the room, but I digress).  Everything flows from that.  Now, let’s break down the kingmakers:

Those who want to give Marcus the rub: The Freels, perhaps ‘influenced’ by Tom Carper, whose worm-ridden body may be placed on the ballot again in 2024. Their support signals Carper’s support.   Sen. Margaret Rose Henry (obviously), Wilmington Democratic Chair Cassandra Marshall.

Those who want to give themselves the rub:  State Sen. Darius Brown and State Rep. Stephanie Bolden (two ‘vulnerable’ incumbents who need to curry favor with the powers-that-be). Brown, of course, succeeded Henry. Bolden is related to Herman Holloway, Jr., who lost to Sen. Henry. Stephanie was ‘The Lesser’s’ campaign manager.  Mayor Mike, hey, he might run again.

Those who want to give Marcus AND themselves the rub:  Matt Meyer (he’s running for Governor, probably supports Marcus on merit, and wants to curry favor in the Black community.  Not to mention, would you want Karen Hartley Nagle as your successor?)

As to Marcus Henry, does this sound Carneyesque to you?:

“Listen, listen, listen. I’m going to get out and get as many residents as I can. Whether you live here in Wilmington, Newark, Bear, Glasgow, or you live in Middletown, Odessa, Townsend, Delaware City, or points in between, I want to hear what’s on your mind,” Henry said to those who joined him at the culmination of his tour Tuesday. “I want to hear what’s on the minds of seniors, parents, small business owners, corporate leaders, single parents trying to make ends meet. As your county executive. I will make sure all residents have a voice and I work very hard to ensure the county is a place where everyone is proud to live, work, play or raise a family.”

He’s going on a two-year ‘listening tour’.  Begging the question:  What does he think?  5 1/2 years, we still don’t know what, or if, Carney thinks.

2. ‘Horsey D’ To Challenge Laura Sturgeon. It was possible to envision a scenario in which first-term senator Laura Sturgeon could have faced a competitive challenge. That scenario no longer exists.  Rethug Ted ‘Horsey D’ Kittila filed Thursday to challenge Sturgeon.   You may remember him as the guy Bud Freel wiped the floor with.  You may also know him for his argument that the Constitution requires a hospital to feed horse de-wormer to an anti-vaxxer.  Having been reduced to a joke, he’s a perfect R candidate for this cycle.

3.  Incumbents’ Week.  Plenty of incumbents filed this week (more accurately, over the last 10 days, as the Department of Elections posted some a day or two late):  Sen. Tizzy Lockman (D-SD 2); Sen. Laura Sturgeon (D-SD 4); Sen. Kyle Evans Gay (D-SD 5); Sen. Stephanie Hansen (D-SD 10);  Sen. Dave Lawson (R-SD 15); Rep. Krista Griffith (D-RD 12); Rep. Charles Postles (R-RD 33).

4. STILL No D Challenger To Kathleen McGuiness. Did the Party neglect to pay its phone bill? Did Biden forget to pay his dues again?

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. jason330 says:

    The office of State Auditor seems like it would be attractive to someone who either has statewide ambitions and needs to get started (like Kathy but not corrupt) or some oldster taking a victory lap.

    The “victory lap” candidate could be someone like that guy who was the County Dem Chair who flipped so many seats… what’s his name, Woodburn(?)

    The “Getting Started” could be someone like Jordyn Pusey or my own 9th RD chair Kevin Caneco who lost to the execrable Bill Bell.

  2. jason330 says:

    Horsey D Kittila’s big argument is that the district should elect a Republican because…reasons.

    One party rule has led to more of the same in Dover. We need to restore balance with new ideas and not just more of the same old political business. We can do better.

    That comes up over and over on his web site, and yet the only “new ideas” presented to return balance to the force are…wait for it… tax cuts.

  3. Allen Handy says:

    I travelled extensively all across this country during the entire Scamdemic. I can say with certainty that the citizens of Delaware were some of the most submissive and meek people I ever came across in the United States compared to the rest of the country. Carney could have made Delawareans roll in mud with a mask on and they would have done it. They would’ve been afraid to complain about it. It was truly embarrassing to witness the timidity and lack of representation by the state’s Republicans. Where are the Republican legislators or candidates proposing limits on the Governor’s emergency powers that created this nightmare in the first place? Incredibly, no one in Dover will speak in such a forbidden language. So, what do the Republicans in Delaware propose? They run a bunch of fundamentalist church types who are only good at leading people in a moment of silence or prayer but haven’t got any bold or new ideas. Did you know that public schools in rural Mississippi are ranked higher than Delaware schools? I tell people all across America that the best view of Delaware is in your rear view mirror. Get out while you can!

  4. Arthur says:

    Seriously, if the D’s cant come up with someone with a half a pulse to challenge KmcG then the party should be disbanded and we should righfully so be annexed by Guam