DL Open Thread Saturday May 7 2022 – WTF?! THIS IS APPALLING

Filed in National by on May 6, 2022

FB, instagram, myspace, whatever social media you are on…please share this story. If you don’t use social media, print it out at work and send it to your aunt in Topeka.

DSU Womans Lacrosse Team Racially Profiled by Georgia State Police

Sydney Anderson

Breathe, but not too heavy. Look, but do not appear guilty. Speak, but never answer back. These are the constant reminders of being Black In America. After playing three games in the hot southern heat, all the Delaware State women’s lacrosse team wanted to do was make it back to Delaware with ease. However, things went left when they got pulled over by Georgia State police.

On April 20 at 10:31am, Tim Jones, black bus driver, was stopped by Georgia State police. The officers claimed it was a traffic violation because buses are not permitted to drive in the left lane. The cops came on the bus to inform the students that they would be checking their luggage for any possible narcotics, such as marijuana, heroin, methane, and ketamine.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Was there any follow up to this? Did the cops actually search the bus?

    Love the expression on the young lady’s face at the end!

    • Jason330 says:

      I think they mentioned that the cops did pull bags out and had dogs check them.

      The officers instructed Mr. Jones to open the bus trunk, as they proceeded to go through the ladies personal belongings. Everyone was confused as to why they were looking through the luggage, when there was no probable cause. The team members were in shock, as they witnessed the officers rambling through their bags. They brought the K-9 dog out to sniff their luggage. The cops began tossing underwear and other feminine products, in an attempt to locate narcotics.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Plus – this guy is fucking lying when he says that they aren’t looking for pot. He contradicts himself immediately and says that even “equipment” would mean big trouble for them.

    The whole thing is sickening.

  3. jason330 says:

    Any lawyers in the house? This seems like an open and shut violation of the 4th amendment.

    • Al Catraz says:

      Yeah sure. Remind me of the penalty for a fourth amendment violation.

      The actual “penalty” is that any evidence seized can’t be used at trial. It’s not as if the fourth amendment defines some kind of remedy.

  4. puck says:

    Delaware won’t even investigate its own cops.

  5. Nancy Willing says:

    Kudos. DL helped amplify this story that has finally reached national news status.

    From the Memeorandum news aggregate site this morning –

    Kevin Tresolini / USA Today:
    Delaware State University ‘incensed’ after lacrosse team’s bus stopped, searched in Georgia — A college women’s lacrosse team feels traumatized after its charter bus was stopped by police while traveling through Georgia, an incident that has left the school’s president “incensed.”
    +Discussion: delawareonline, Delaware First Media, Animal Lives Matter, Sports Illustrated, al.com, The Hill, Associated Press, The Comeback, The Root and Raw Story