More Proof That Val Longhurst Is A Lying Liar

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 16, 2022

She no longer even pretends otherwise.  Take yesterday’s House Administration Committee meeting. Please.

There were plenty of witnesses at the hearing prepared to speak on behalf of HB 220, which ‘is the first leg of an amendment to the Delaware Constitution to conserve, protect and maintain Delaware’s natural resources, including its water, air, soil, flora, fauna, ecosystems and climate.’  Many of the witnesses had taken off work to testify.  Longhurst abruptly called off discussion, at which point Rep. Wilson-Anton asked if the bill at least could be released from committee, or she could get a sense of the committee’s support.  Longhurst declined, citing the requirement for public comment, comment she had just cut off.

That wasn’t the end of the story.  In direct contradiction to what she had just said, she ‘walked’ the following bill around for signatures, despite the fact that there were several witnesses prepared to speak against it, but were not given the opportunity.  The bill grants Wilmington (and its permanent beneficiary, Buccini/Pollin) the right to take distressed properties via eminent domain.  Mayor Mike was in the Hall yesterday.  Word on the street is that Bud Freel had walked HB 458 for signatures.  Mayor Mike made sure that the bill had sponsorship from Black legislators in order to avoid (obvious) allegations of racism.

Got that?  Longhurst refused to release HB 220 because she said the bill required public comment, all the while denying the opportunity for supporters to provide public comment. She then made sure that those seeking to comment on HB 458 got no chance to do so because she simply walked it around for signatures.  She is a liar and is totally corrupt.

The Black legislators who sponsored HB 458,  and who sponsored SB 330,  which grants Mayor Mike’s/Buccini-Pollin’s Riverfront Development Corporation tax-exempt status on its buildings, are merely corrupt and would ideally be replaced.  Longhurst is corrupt and a serial liar.  Everyone in Dover knows it.  Now you do too.

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  1. Annd, just like that, Val buried the Green Constitutional Amendment in committee today, just as she planned. Only–with virtually no speakers present to raise objections.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Sounds like a classic case of the famed bad government, and far too much power in the wrong hands, in this case the dreaded Val.

  3. Jason330 says:

    So brazen. She literally doesn’t give a fuck. Who are the dolts who keep electing her?

  4. So, Val said that she MIGHT deign to release HB 220 if a couple of amendments were added.

    Hello, is this mic on? She could easily have released the bill NOW so that the bill could be placed on an agenda once the amendments were filed, but she chose not to do so.

    She treats many members of that caucus like shit. Jason, you asked who the dolts are who keep reelecting her? They’re the Kop Kabal drones who keep her, Speaker Pete, and Larry Mitchell in power. Among others, they include Reps. Bennett, Bolden, Bush, Carson, Chukwuocha, Cooke, Heffernan, Matthews, and K. Williams.

    There are some others I’m not so sure of, including K. Johnson and Sherry Dorsey Walker.