“Dirty Money Deb” must to go! Action Items

Filed in National by on August 24, 2022

This has been a very revealing election cycle.  All of the bloated plutocrats and their paid-off lackeys in Leg Hall have been throughly smoked out.  The bought and paid for toadies like “Dirty Money Deb” Heffernan have even brazenly accepted awards for their service to her paymasters over the interest of their constituent.

Therefor, each of us now must dig deep and give some clean money ($10, $15, Whatever) to help defeat “Dirty Money Deb” by donating to Becca Cotto.

Similarly,“Dark Money Larry” Mitchell has demonstrated that he is in the pocket of special interest and have utterly ignored the needs of the people in his district.  Therefor take some time tomorrow who help DeShanna Neal break the death grip corporate money has on Leg Hall.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. El Somnambulo says:

    Don’t forget Phil McGinnis. The Dirty Money Brigade has funded this character from Chamber central casting.

    Give it up for Kerri Evelyn Harris:


    • Electra says:

      From a quick glance, these are the lobbyists I spot on Phil McGinnis’ campaign report:

      Robert Byrd
      Rebecca Byrd
      Andrew Taylor
      Brian McGlinchey
      Megan McGlinchey
      Laird Stabler & Associates
      Lincoln Willis
      Mary Davis
      Parkowski Guerke & Swaze
      Rebecca Kidner
      Rick Bayard
      John Paradee

      And WTF, pictures of him at the Trump rally in Harrington on his Facebook page? How is this guy a candidate?

      • Because the Delaware Way folks have realized that their cherished majority in the House is an endangered species.

      • Electra says:

        McGinnis has a $300 donation from Greg Lavelle. I had to wipe my glasses and look again because it was too unbelievable, and I still don’t believe it.

  2. ScarletWoman says:

    Must comment on the remarkable resurgence (renaissance?) of Heffernan here in the 6th. After a couple years of utter dormancy, she is EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. Handing out largesse. In my mailbox. Chiming in like our best pal all over the place on neighbors’ Facebook and Nextdoor.com posts.

    • Jason330 says:

      Go figure.

    • What ‘largesse’ is she handing out? Campaigns are not supposed to hand out anything of value.

      • mediawatch says:

        SW most likely referring to Heffernan’s adept use of the Bond Bill and the Community Reinvestment Fund to generously fill the coffers of qualifying nonprofits in her district. In the last two years she has gotten much better at using state funds she controls to keep constituents happy.

      • Nancy Willing says:

        I saw where she is hosting improptu ice cream socials with free ice cream from a truck parked along the neighborhood street.

        If she isn’t declaring the cost of the truck and ice cream in her finance report, she should

        Is giving out ice cream cones a violation of some kind?

        • Yes, I think so. You can’t give away anything of value.

          I know this b/c Dave Brady, as an Election Day tradition, used to give out roses after women left the polling place. When he was gerrymandered into Wayne Smith’s district, Election Day came. And sure enough, Smith filed a complaint, and Dave was ordered to stop giving out the roses.

          Since one would have to pay for the ice cream if they were not getting it gratis in the form of a bribe, yes, it’s illegal.

          There is absolutely NO RECORD on Deb’s campaign reports of having rented that truck. Kinda like there is no record of any expenses associated with her vanity fundraiser at the Hotel.

          It’s a scofflaw campaign. Time for yet another complaint to be filed with Elections?