Objective Journalism

Filed in National by on August 25, 2022

No matter how stupid the GOP’s position is on any issue, our media always gives it equal standing with non-stupid positions.   So “Rapists should have paternal rights.” gets equal time with the position  “Rapists shouldn’t have paternal rights.”

“People should own machine guns.” is the instant and somehow relevant response to “People shouldn’t own machine guns.”

Everything is even-steven.  Some magical compromise is out there if these extremists could ever just “meet in the middle” and compromise.    The notion that “Rapists shouldn’t have paternal rights.”  doesn’t seem like an extremists position to me, but in our system, it is.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. All Seeing says:

    Very interesting point Jason. I have noticed CNN doing that same dam thing when not attacking Boe Biden.
    Just watched Congresswoman from VA Spamberger talking about a bill of her’s that wants to remeddy the situation a bit. Like Republicans saying inflamatory shit and fund raising off of it. Tea Party has morfed into Trumpers and they are all Lucifarians that we must fight them every step of the way. You have to read “DARK MONEY” by Jane Mayer. It gives you a complete windo in to how the Billionaire Class mostly Koch and his network of non profits has taken over our governments state and National to allow “emitters” to destroy our planet. They have bought the Supreme Court and it just goes on and on. I have spoken.

  2. MediaMatt1093 says:

    Funny headline coming from such an objective bunch!

    • Jason330 says:

      I don’t pretend to be objective. I am accurate, however.

      When the GOP says “Two plus two equals five” and Dems say “Two plus two equals four.” The media typically reports that the answer to that vexing question of the day must be in the middle. Somewhere between these extreme, partisan positions. The answer must be closer to 4.5.

      Now, my dear reader, that you are aware of how it works, you will see it all over the place.