Larry’s Been Lyin’–BIG Time!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 25, 2022

A.  I understand that ex-cops struggle with Prevarication Withdrawal.  All those years of lying to people they pull over, lying to suspects, lying on the witness stand, make it difficult, in some cases impossible, to return to a world where telling the truth matters.

B. I also understand how politicians are prone to embellish their records.

However, it is exceedingly rare for a politician, one who’s been in office for something like 20 years, to flat out lie about receiving a coveted endorsement.  It is even rarer for said politician to actually put it on a political brochure.   That, however, is precisely what Kop Kabalist Larry Mitchell has done.

Check out this lit piece.  Pay special attention to the lower left-hand corner of the piece:

On the far left, you see an endorsement from Moms Demand Action.  That is a lie.  Just to make sure that there was no mistake, we checked with Moms Demand Action.

Guess what?  Not only didn’t Larry Mitchell receive their endorsement, DeShanna Neal, his primary challenger DID receive their endorsement. 

Larry? Can you or anyone from your campaign come on here and explain how such a blatant falsehood could show up in a lit piece like this?  I know that having been both a cop and a politician can distort your sense of what truth is, but this is a lie designed to utterly mislead your constituents.  By the way, while we’re at it, if cops really advocated for strong gun safety provisions, there would be exponentially fewer guns on the street. Larry, as a member of the Kop Kabal, can you please explain why you and your uniformed, wait for it, ilk, fight so hard against gun controls? I, for one, have never understood police opposition to fewer guns.  Are you and they afraid you’ll have to give up your militarized arsenal?  I’d really like to know.

Guess what? Larry claimed yet another endorsement he didn’t get.   Less egregious, yes, but no less blatant.  Larry Mitchell did not receive an endorsement from the Delaware Democratic Party in the primary.  The State Party only issued one endorsement in the primaries, and that, of course, was for Lydia York.

This career cop/politician/prevaricator (who was also gifted the ‘job’ as Head Of Security at Del-Tech, a Delaware Way gift if ever there was one) is sitting on three fat pensions and has sat on his butt for the better part of twenty years while being close to invisible in his district.  All the while, of course, keeping the most regressive members of the House Of Representatives, including himself, in leadership.

Stop the lying. Stop the inaction.  Vote for DeShanna Neal.

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  1. Mike says:


  2. Clap Clap clapclapclap

    LY-in’ LA-rry.

    Yep. It works.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Lying is a big part of the hated “Delaware Way” as well as the Kop Kabal. Why does it go on? (And On). I blame a pathetic electorate that not only doesn’t pay attention but is too dense to see what is going on. The politicians are all “working an angle” to enrich themselves, their relatives or their owners in business. It’s why weed is not legal here, but will be. As we say down here, “when the money is right”. Kind of reminds me of the feeding frenzy to buy land when Route One was being planned.

  4. tina says:

    Also the Del Dem logo is a lie they did not nor do they endorse in primaries any more.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    Cookout theme today…

    No Burgers for Lyin’ Larry!

    Anyway, come canvass and grab a piece of chicken. We don’t have to put up with this trash.