Ramone Rethugs Scale Great Heights, Reach New Lows

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 22, 2022

Mike Ramone may not be a MAGAt, but he is a Nixonian Rethug, someone who deals in dirty tricks and character assassination.  It’s not gonna be easy to besmirch Frank Burns, so his Rethug minions have taken to…completely obliterating a Frank Burns billboard. I mean, it takes a lot of work and chutzpah to destroy a billboard so thoroughly. Perhaps it takes some people in power to look the other way.  It defies belief that nobody saw this vandalism in action.  Just check out the handiwork of Ramone’s Rethugs:

Frank Burns has taken the high road:

Statement by Frank Burns, Democratic Candidate for the 21st Representative District

Our billboard by the YMCA on Capitol trail has been vandalized. I want to state clearly that I have no reason to believe Mike Ramone or his campaign workers were involved, but it is clearly done by one of his supporters and meant to both intimidate us and stop us from making our case to the voters in this crucial time period before the election.

The political right needs to figure out how to deal with its lawless elements. This is just vandalism, but we’ve seen far worse locally with the firebombing of the Newark Planned parenthood clinic and the Witzke supporter drawing a gun on political opponents in 2020. I know it’s difficult when the leader of your party is calling rioters who pillaged our nation’s capital patriots and promising pardons, but I expect Mike Ramone to do everything in his power to reign in this sort of behavior among his local supporters.

We will not be intimidated by those who try to silence our pro-choice, pro-worker pro-future message. I would like to thank Officer Christopher Taylor of the Delaware State Police for the quick response and professionalism in the initial investigation. It is our hopes that the numerous security cameras in the area will eventually lead to the arrest of the individual(s) responsible.

I, for one, will not take that high road.  Ramone has been a low-road politician throughout his entire career.  Let’s see if he rejects the vandalism that was done in his name.  Perhaps Burns should hire on Bethany Hall-Long’s husband as a security advisor.

Let’s be clear:  This is the single-most important legislative race this cycle. Excising the malevolent Mike Ramone from Dover, and replacing him with an extraordinary candidate like Frank Burns would be more than a flip. It would represent a sea change.

Mike Ramone: Floor’s yours.  Reject the actions of your supporters. Or don’t. Your call.

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  1. Arthur says:

    The funny thing is on the First State News facaebook page they were getting their panties in a bunch becuase, gasp, a democrat put their road sign in front of a republicans road sign. so in their post they blurred out the democrats so you could only see the repubes sign. Oddly, they didnt cover this sign vandalism. When I called them out on it, they quickly blocked me.

    • Interesting says:

      I noticed that also. I think it was an unfortunate editorial choice. I assumed they tried to block the name of the sign, in order to not insinuate that that person was responsible.

      Given FirstState’s known “side,” I now see your point.

    • Tsk Tsk says:

      Also….First State did cover the Burn’s story…post from 1:30pm

  2. Rocco A says:

    Uh. Hate to get your panties in a wedge, but as someone in the industry, it looks like it was placed improperly. You can tell by how it’s hanging. I get trying to score political points though.

    • Uh, you don’t get my panties in a wedge.

      Except for the fact that first-time posters who use that phrase generally are, what’s the word I’m looking for–TROLLS.

      • Interesting says:

        For the sake of decency can’t we at least try to agree that we should see the video evidence.

        • Sure–if there IS video evidence.

          For the sake of decency, could Ramone at least reject vandalism? I mean, the guy has a history.

          • 21STResident says:

            Rep Mike Ramone posted on Mr. Burns page today he thought any act of vandalism should be prosecuted and Mr. Burns thanked him. Delaware State Police need to make public the results of this investigation as everyone needs to know who is responsible for this or is it merely poor installation and it fell off? As a 21st voter, I am watching this one.

      • Rocco A says:

        Not trolling. Simply offering a reasonable alternative based off my experience. Continue to go scorched earth. All Republicans bad. Got it.

        • RE Vanella says:

          Yes, all Republicans are bad. Most Democrats too. Thank you for finally noticing this. I know it’s hard.

          Libertarians aren’t even considered because we shouldn’t pick on people whose minds are stuck in 3rd grade.

        • Al Catraz says:

          So you are saying that it somehow fell off on its own? Or are you trying to say that some well-meaning person “in the industry,” such as yourself for example, noticed that it was hanging “improperly” and thus removed it as an act of kindness?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    I think Ramone voted for vote by mail, then against it after Jan 6th. Double check me.

  4. Fuck You D Pussies says:

    Where is the police report? Nice of the thug to put the ladder back up nicely. Lol give me a break. You’re nuts.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    You sound triggered.

  6. Gotta say, Mike Ramone’s ‘defenders’ say a lot about both him and them.

    • Al Catraz says:

      But I love how one of them shows up to specifically state that he has relevant experience to installing, and presumably taking down, billboard posters.

      What an amazing coincidence that a billboard professional who supports Ramone just happened to notice that it was poorly installed, resulting in its apparent complete removal from the sign.

      • Yeah, my Spidey Sense tingles when three people who have NEVER COMMENTED HERE BEFORE respond to this particular post–all disparaging any hint that the chronically-sleazy Ramone could have had anything to do with it.

        Is the sign back up?