Delaware Liberal

‘Attend The Tale’: First Draft Complete!

“Attend the Tale of Speaker Pete

His fall from grace is well nigh complete

His cargo shorts and his sun-baked pate

Did nothing to save Speaker Pete from his fate

With KMG he felt complete

Did Speaker Pete

The Laughingstock of Rehoboth.

He ran the show in Dover Town

He scared the minions, then chopped them down

And though his pharmacist filled no scrips,

Her blue pills kept Speaker Pete more-or-less stiff

That’s Petey

That’s Speaker Pete

The flaccid has-been in Dover

‘Swing Your nightstick high, Petey

Beat them ’til they’re sore.

Smash them in their skulls and skin


This could use some editing.  Nathan?  You like Sondheim, AND you’re a scribe.  Any suggestions? Or is this (a) beyond hope or (b) perfection personified?

Oh, you want the source material?  Here ya go:

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