DL Open Thread Tuesday October 4 2022

Filed in National by on October 4, 2022

34 days until elections day, so to borrow a phrase from Sgt. Phil Esterhaus – Let’s have some fun out there.

“Prevailing ideas around social justice activism tend to focus on ‘doing the work,’ putting in long hours, and facing challenges head-on. Activism is rarely associated with personal joy and pleasure.

“But can there be a deep connection between activism and pleasure? How do we make social justice the most pleasurable human experience? How can we awaken within ourselves desires that make it impossible to settle for anything less than a fulfilling life?

“Pleasure activism is a politics of healing and happiness that explodes the dour myth that changing the world is just another form of work.

4 2022 “Drawing on the Black feminist tradition, I challenge us to rethink the ground rules of activism. Through connecting with our inner desires and needs—physical, mental, emotional—we can become better organizers, activists, and social justice workers. ”

— adrienne maree brown

Her book is Pleasure Activisim: The Politics of Feeling Good

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:


    Herchel Walker Paid for Girlfriends Abortion.

    “Yeah but that’s four fewer abortions than Trump paid for.”

    “Sure. Any pro-life zealot that hasn’t paid for a girlfriend’s aborton should cast the first stone.”

    uh. We said “no exceptions for rape or life of the mother”. There will always be expcetions for girlfriends of “pro-life” politicians.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The high and mighty of the senate deserve Walker in their life, mumbling stupidity and Misogyny included. As for uncle Pooty suspect that of the 300,00 Russian men called up for Operation Slaughter in Ukraine suspect the bulk of them will run for the border or desert at their first opportunity. No one really likes being used as cannon fodder.

    • Paul says:

      Proving an army can melt out of existence right before your eyes. Who are the Russians going to try harder to shoot, Ukrainians or Russian deserters? It is tragic that so many are in thrall to that unspeakable power. Did we blow it in the 90’s not trying hard enough to usher Russia into the world of nations? I’m thinking we blew that peace. Another debt we owe to the GOP, who balked.

  3. OK, what’s going on with all this Lisa Dean Moseley interest? I wrote a piece on her back in 2016.

    Starting late yesterday, a bleepload of people have clicked on that article.

    Meaning something happened. Since I doubt it’s her resurrection, what’s going on?

    • Nancy Willing says:

      IDK but I love it when the blog gets massive hits on a past post.

      Most recently I got thousands for several days straight of global interest linking to one of Frieda Berryhill’s posts about nuke power. And there was similar high global interest in an old one of Coons’ position on BDS.

      I typically get just a few hundred hits in a day these days.

    • Ben says:

      Zelensky should offer full amnesty and Ukrainian citizenship to any and all Russian deserters and their families.
      Everyone now knows the Russian solders don’t even want to be there.

  4. ScarletWoman says:

    El Som: Cannot verify, but I would bet one of the multitudinous true crime shows ran an episode on her … and her husband’s hit job on son’s girlfriend n Vegas.

    • Dominick Dunne did a huge article (and likely TV crime documentary) on the case.

      Even if someone reran it, that’s a lot of page views for an article like that. I searched ‘Sherry Freebery’ and ‘Tom Gordon’. Nothing new pops up.

  5. Interesting says:

    Sgt. Phil Esterhaus’ line was “Let’s be careful out there.”

    Let’s stick to misrepresenting current events…not a tv show line from 40yrs ago.

  6. ScarletWoman says:

    Bingo!! https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0629577/?ref_=m_tttr_tt

    Law and Order: Criminal Intent show ‘ripped from the headlines’ … Season 1, Episode 3 “Smothered” on the Sundance Channel was on yesterday at 11am

  7. ScarletWoman says:

    I am learning to accept that. But– anything that draws readers to DL is good, right? Kind of loving it!