DL Open Thread Tuesday October 25 2022

Filed in National by on October 25, 2022
A full readout of my Monday morning impromptu meeting this Sen Coons in a bagel shop may be coming this afternoon.   In the meantime, here is some shit that happened.

This looks fun.


Delaware Call Fall Fundraiser 2022

The Delaware Call team is delighted to announce a fantastic event.

On Wednesday, November 16th at the famous Wilmington jazz club Nomad Bar, the Call will be hosting an evening of live local music to support our independent journalism project.

Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. at the hidden gem on 905 N Orange St.  Showtime is 8:00 p.m.

Edgewater Ave. will play an special acoustic set.  Closing the night, coming off an a show last month at Maker’s Alley that has everyone talking, Dirt Bagel Fist.

  • Organizer tickets are $25.

  • Change Agent tickets are $50. (Includes early entry at 6:30 p.m. and a meet and greet with the Delaware Call team.)

  • Movement Vanguard tickets $75 (Only 20 spots available!)  This level includes early entry meet and greet as well as a signed copy of Claire Snyder-Hall new political memoir, “Battling the Prince – A Woman Fights for Democracy.”

Nomad will have its extensive, curated cash bar service available.  All ticket proceeds support the Delaware Call non-profit journalism project, a Network Delaware 501(c)3 sponsored initiative.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (33)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Also this:

    A Laurel man is sentenced for his part in the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

    24-year-old Hunter Seefried received 24 months in prison on felony and misdemeanor charges Monday.

    He and his 53-year-old father Kevin entered the Capitol building after former President Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally.

    The U.S. Department of Justice says Hunter helped to clear broken glass from one of the windows to clear the way for other rioters. Kevin was photographed inside the building holding a Confederate flag.

    • Alby says:

      Most old DuPonters would clear the broken glass without a second thought. Don’t want to get written up for a safety violation.

    • puck says:

      Hunter sentenced to prison! Father involved, will be sentenced in January!

      (Media clearly missed an opportunity for this headline).

      Reportedly Hunter wanted probation no jail; cried at sentencing, full of non-credible apologies. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. (SOTD?)

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Buy a ticket for next month’s show at Nomad! Come say hi or, conversely, try to fistfight me.

  3. puck says:

    “Liberal lawmakers urge Biden to shift Ukraine strategy”

    WaPo smugly insists on calling them “liberals” but these are not liberals, these are our progressive darlings. Aligned with actual progressives on most points, but really are fucking Chomskyites. A surrender caucus. Freeze the war in place to preserve Putin’s grab of Ukraine.

    Here’s the WaPo link to the first letter, complete with Republican talking points:

    The conflict has also contributed to elevated gas and food prices at home, fueling inflation and high oil prices for Americans in recent months. Economists believe that if the situation in Ukraine is stabilized, some of the speculative concerns driving higher fuel costs will subside and likely lead to a drop in world oil prices.

    And of course, here’s the second letter walking it back.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Since I already posted the aggregate aid figures this year as a percentage of GDP for the top 20 countries sending it I’ll just ask this.

      Is wanting discussion about context and goals reasonable am I a Putin apologist?

      What’s the end game? Regime change in Russia? Retaking Crimea? Ukraine in NATO? Expelling Russian troops from Donna’s?

      Am I part of a surrender caucus?

      • RE Vanella says:

        *Donbas… lol

        Donna’s as well, if applicable.

      • puck says:

        Asking the questions is the first step to enlightenment.

      • jason330 says:

        Is wanting discussion about context and goals reasonable?

        I don’t think you can have that talk while the crime is being committed. I mean maybe some third party (the Vatican?) can bring up the idea of a cease fire.

        What’s the end game?

        Putin leaves Ukraine.

      • NascarDad67 says:

        I think the end goal should be regime change in Russia. The bargaining chip is not land in Ukraine but whether the oligarchs will still have a viable nation to extract resources from. Putin is threatening their racket and it’s a matter of time before he gets some polonium-flavored coffee. As long as the West agrees to look the other way with respect to Russian internal affairs, there is a clear off-ramp.

        I don’t agree with calling of progressives who are soft on Ukrainians support a ““lynching”; regardless of the motive the criticism is valid and it’s not appropriate to use that kind of language when the real thing still happens.

        • puck says:

          The end game is Putin leaves Ukraine. Regime change would be a nice post-game show. Regime change in Russia could be a dangerous time so I hope a MAGA isn’t POTUS when it happens.

          • NascarDad says:

            I would counter that the status quo is even more dangerous. Putin is on the decline and his actions are becoming increasingly irrational and likely suicidal. Putin will not leave Ukraine. He will fight a war of attrition until he dies or is pushed out.

          • puck says:

            “He will fight a war of attrition until he dies or is pushed out.”

            Either outcome is acceptable. So it is in our interest to help Ukraine win this war sooner.

  4. Arthur says:

    The republicans ads on tv are much more enthralling than the democrats. as stated before i dont think anyone is on the fence anymore but if they were and only went by tv ads they would vote for republicans. i saw a womans ad this morning, i guess shes from philly, who went on and on about making chips in the us and at the end she said making more chips will fix inflation. huh? i only watched it because i was curious who would make such a terrible ad. it was so terrible i have no idea what her name was

  5. More taxpayer-funded largesse for a Delaware corporation:


    “Delaware’s Council on Development Finance (CDF) has approved Solenis’ request for a Jobs Performance Grant of $552,000 and a Delaware Lab Space Grant of $3.5 million from the Delaware Strategic Fund.”

    $4 mill. How many retirees’ health benefits would that fund?

    • Alby says:

      Maybe we can elect a Democratic governor who will dismantle this agency.

      If the state wants to create jobs, it can, y’know, hire people to perform tasks that benefit the public. State employees pay income taxes just like private-equity employees.

      • Or, at least, remove the exemption from FOIA.

        This is more classic Delaware Way secrecy. Give public funds to private corporations by creating a quasi-public agency that is not answerable to the public. Bryon Short carried Carney’s water on THAT one.

        You know, the Business Lapdog Committee. Which should be abolished under new House leadership if we get new House leadership.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    For the record, since y’all want to be funny. (Boomer funny cracking each other er up)

    I’m for the fight. Just looking to know if it’s to the death or unlimited rounds or 12 round 3 knock down rule or the 3 round Olympic deal or what.

    Saved by the bell in the last round only?

  7. RE Vanella says:

    You guys were probably very witty when there was still lead in the gasoline.

    • jason330 says:

      I filtered out your jokes and replied to your actual questions. It is my take only and I have no sway on world events.

      That said – the way this is being treated in the media, it feels like a kind of corporate lynching of the squad for being a little too upitty.

    • Alby says:

      Beats never having been witty at all.

  8. Alby says:

    The problem with the peace solution is that you’re asking the victim to stop the attacks, when you should be addressing the aggressor.

    That you can’t see this demonstrates something very wrong with your the thought process behind the solution.

    Only the aggressor can decide when the aggression stops. Duh.

  9. Almost forgot–saw the ABSOLUTELY WORST sign of the campaign today.

    The sign was lighter than sky blue with white letters that could barely be seen on the washed-out background. All I could make out was the first name of ‘Janice’, no last name that I could see, and State Auditor in tiny letters.

    So, it must have been a sign for Janice Lorrah, whose campaign is virtually as invisible as her signs. Whatever she paid for that sign (only one I’ve seen so far) was too much.

  10. puck says:

    Watching Fetterman-Oz debate now: https://pix11.com

    • liberalgeek says:

      Holy cow that was painful.

    • puck says:

      The mods kept letting Oz get away with saying he would ramp up Pennsylvania’s economy with fracking and more gas/oil exports and never questioned him about climate change, water quality, or environmental damage.

      I was OK with Fetterman’s verbal and auditory difficulties, but he was also flat-out unprepared for some of the obvious gotchas that everybody else knew were coming.

      I had some interest in Fetterman’s performance, as I had a stroke myself nine years ago and am familiar with the recovery process.

      Are there actually any undecided voters left who were waiting for this debate to make up their minds? This election isn’t about the candidates, it’s about control of the Senate. If I were a PA voter I’d vote for Fetterman if they had to shovel him into a bucket.

      • Alby says:

        The things Oz talked about are out of the control of a Senator. Lucky for him most of the electorate is too uninformed to know that.