DL Open Thread Wednesday October 26 2022

Filed in National by on October 26, 2022

I’m a poor excuse for political blogger. I didn’t watch the Fetterman/Ox debate. I wonder if the last remaining “undecided” voter on PA finally decided?

Trump and Obama both won with a populist massage attacking corrupt DC insiders. It is strange to me that Democrats cede the populist terrain to the GOP. I hope Fetterman didn’t cede that to the Foppish Oz.


Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh notes that inflation is a big deal, but the actual big problem looming in the economy is a lack of immigrants. In this, he is correct. Amid one of the tightest labor markets in history, Walsh said the political parties’ approach to immigration — “getting immigration all tied up”

The New York Times reports: “More than 370 people—a vast majority of Republicans running for these offices in November—have questioned and, at times, outright denied the results of the 2020 election—despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.”

The Washington Post reports similar findings: More than half of all Republicans running for congressional and state office this midterm cycle are 2020 election deniers.

Forty-eight out of 50 states have Big Lie supporters running for some kind of office, from governor on down.

Since former President Trump took control of the Republican Party, the party’s platform has evolved into a bizarre hodgepodge of election denialism and owning the libs. The owning-the-libs part is annoying but probably not terminal. However, the election denialism could, if left unchecked, end American democracy.

That isn’t hyperbole. The stakes boil down to a single basic question: If one of two major political parties no longer believes in free and fair elections, how can democracy still function?

It feels like we’re on the precipice of a disaster. And yet, the tone of most mainstream political coverage rarely reflects the terrifying possibilities implicit in the very news they’re covering. As the former New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan told me, “The mainstream press doesn’t seem to quite get that American democracy is on the brink, or be willing to clearly state who’s driving that movement.”

The full article is behind a paywall: https://tinyurl.com/yc5yttpw

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. George H says:

    Fetterman officially lost the election last night. It was hard to watch him even try.

    • jason330 says:

      I think you have a MAGA understanding of the word “officially”.

      I doubt there were 100 undecideds going into last night, so it is all about turnout.

    • Alby says:

      @GH: Now do Herschel Walker.

    • GeoBumm says:

      You think so? I’d say Oz not only took down his own campaign last night, but collateral fallout may take down other’s as well.

      “Fetterman Raised $1 Million in 3 Hours After Dr. Oz’s Disastrous Abortion Comment The campaign has also released an ad with Republican Mehmet Oz saying abortion decisions should be between “women, doctors, [and] local political leaders.
      By Susan Rinkunas”

  2. Alby says:

    There is no amount of money on Earth that would get me to watch an election debate, of any kind, between or among any group of people. I don’t watch geek shows at carnivals, either.

    These debates exist for one reason: To give journalists something to write about that requires very little effort on their part. Anyone who would base a vote on anything said at a debate is part of the reason democracy has such poor outcomes.

  3. jason330 says:

    Having taken in some coverage, it seems like Fetterman has to be very pleased with the outcome.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    The legendary radical activist, journalist and writer Mike Davis died yesterday of esophageal cancer.

    “What keeps us going, ultimately, is our love for each other, and our refusal to bow our heads, to accept the verdict, however all-powerful it seems. It’s what ordinary people have to do. You have to love each other. You have to defend each other. You have to fight.”

  5. nathan arizona says:

    I did watch the debate — free of charge! One reason I follow politics a little is the entertainment value. I thought Fetterman was pretty bad, but he has a good excuse, of course. I hope that for a while he wouldn’t have to do any silver-tongued persuasion in the senate.

    The main thing is to add a senator who is reliably blue. But I do think Fetterman’s non-elite focus on the working class is good for the Democrats.

    Oz was slick, of course, and kind of creepy. i think he came across as sort of a smarmy bully, which might balance out any points Fetterman lost. Fetterman might get some sympathy votes if only because he had to wear that ill-fitting suit.

  6. GeoBumm says:

    For those who made the mistake of letting the DNC know their email address, you’ll be able to relate….
