DL Open Thread Wednesday Nov 9 2022- Statewide, There is no DEGOP to speak of

Filed in National by on November 9, 2022

I have worried about my triumphalism around the idea that DEGOP is basically defunct statewide and that “the Dem primary is the election.” These worries continue to be unfounded.

There is no statewide GOP in Delaware.

Not a single Republican candidate collected more than 148,000 votes.

LEE MURPHY Republican – REP 138,177 42.97 %
JULIANNE E. MURRAY Republican – AG 147,353 46.17 %
JANICE LORRAH Republican – Auditor 145,145 45.8 %
GREG COVERDALE Republican – Treas 147,293 46.36 %

With no statewide races to really worry about Delaware Democrats need to do a better job leveraging that statewide dominance to win down ballot.

That Ramone is still in the Legislature is a goddam disgrace.   Ignoring these races and allowing guys like Buckson to go unchallenged is a misuse of the party’s dominance.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    MAGA did that. Like a room-clearing fart.

  2. jason330 says:

    That’s a part of it, no doubt. But consider how terrible this performance is.

    In state with 589,013 people of voting age, the DEGOP couldn’t rustle up 146,000 of them.

    In a state with 211,000 REGISTERED Republicans, the DEGOP couldn’t get 146,000 to vote for their crackpot loser slate of statewide candidates.

    It is truly pitiful.

    • jason330 says:

      I thinking checking oneself is preferable to wrecking oneself. Keeping that in mind I looked at D vs R turnout and the R’s trounced the D’s in turnout expressed as a % of party registration. 69% to 44%

      So the terrible performance has more to do with the fact that the DEGOP has boiled off all of the moderates and squishes. What remains is a sticky toxic tar that will pointlessly and impotently turnout regardless.

  3. jason330 says:

    The upshot is that the elected officials in the state have been moving in the direction of representing the views of actual constituents. Constituents who are the 5th most liberal in the country.

    Once Carper and Coons die (or are beaten in a primaries) the representation will actually reflect the will of the represented.