Who Are DL’s MVP’s Of 2022?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 22, 2022

The floor is officially open for nominations!  Who were those who were the most valuable to the progressive cause in Delaware in 2022?  They can be people, they can be organizations, they can even be pot-bellied pigs.  It could be someone who in no way is progressive.  Christine O’Donnell won one year for handing the D’s a Senate seat, although in hindsight, her win is not as clear-cut now as it seemed then.

Here’s the only catch: Along with your nomination(s), you must tell us why they deserve consideration.

You have until December 15 to nominate your faves.

Floor’s yours.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Christine O’Donnell would never make it today. There are far too many legit progressive MVP’s nowadays.

  2. Karl says:

    I can start it out with all the people-centered candidates who took on entrenched opposition this year. Speaking from the WFP side I especially appreciate people like DeShanna Neal, Becca Cotto, and Shané Darby who took on incumbents in primaries, which is not an easy job. But also people like Sophie Phillips, Cyndie Romer, Frank Burns, and Terrell Williams who either ran in open primaries or against Republican incumbents; you get more allies but it’s still grueling work.

    Speaking as myself, some people who still contributed to the overall cause whether they won or lost: James Taylor, Kerri Evelyn Harris, Kyra Hoffner, Russ Huxtable, Brandon Toole.

    Lastly, all the volunteers on these teams who made it happen. Despite it being a midterm and enthusiasm this year being a lot lower with no big top of the ballot race, volunteers knocked on tens of thousands of doors for these candidates and made hundreds of thousands of calls and texts. That was not inevitable and it’s the result of a lot of great motivated people.

  3. Grant Brunner says:

    His overall record is pretty mixed, but Ed Osienski’s tireless work to try to get cannabis legalized is sincerely appreciated.

  4. ScarletWoman says:

    Surely Scott Walker could qualify for pure staying power, boosting spray paint sales, and comedic relief?

  5. Joshua W says:

    Since he won’t nominate himself, I say Karl for all the work that he and the rest of the WFP team have done in this last cycle.

    Becca Cotto for running one of the best and most progressive campaigns I’ve ever seen against one of the most powerful incumbents outside of leadership. She lost, but only because Heffernan had to use every trick in the book, both above board and not, in order to win. I also think this race sucked away a lot of resources that could have been used against other progressives in the state.

    And Eric Morrison and Madinah Wilson-Anton for all the hard work they’ve done behind the scenes. What they’re doing isn’t as glamourous or in-your-face as progressives in primaries, but they’re laying the groundwork for a progressive majority in the near future.

    • jason330 says:

      This is almost my exact list of nominees. I only added Burns for stepping up and running a good campaign against a person who used every devious trick in the book and needed help from very shitty Democrats to eek out a win.

  6. AA says:

    Reji and Diego without a doubt. I’ve never seen such energy and determination out of a set of people in my life. She’s constantly dedicating time and heart to every important issue in the WFP. Diego is young and passionate already at such a young age. They are such an asset to Delaware

    • Karl says:

      Yep, if WFP is nominated Reji deserves just as much of the praise as anyone else. She’s been killing it on the Green New Deal work (after doing a lot around $15 last year) and has done wonders in terms of engaging more people in Kent and Sussex counties which is going to lay the groundwork for so much great work in the future.

  7. AA says:

    I’d also really would like to advocate for Jordyn Pusey, who ran stellar campaigns, kept politicians honest via socials, and is just generally a badass for the progressive cause. Her abilities as a campaign manager are unparalleled