How Much Did YOUR County Councilperson Sell Out For?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 28, 2022

This handy chart tells the story:

Developers Donations to Council Chart

I want to thank our DL Research Assistant for all their help on this.  The assistant wishes to remain anonymous as they’re embarrassed to admit that they’re making as much as our contributors.  AKA, nothing. After Dee Durham and Dave Carter, who collected no money from developers, and have made it a point to collect nothing from developers, Jea Street comes in a distant third, with ‘only’ 32% of his campaign contributions coming from developers and their, wait for it, ‘ilk’.  The following have all collected over 50% of their campaign lucre from the development community:  Hollins-52%, Tackett-53%, Kilpatrick-58%, Cartier-59%, Hartly-Nagle-60%, Smiley-61%, and, leading the pack when it comes to selling out to developers, Bell at 79%, and, wait for it, Valerie George with 87% (??!!).

Every single one of these sell-outs should be challenged the next time they’re up for election.  Those up in 2024 include:  Karen Hartly-Nagle, George Smiley, John Cartier, Tim Sheldon, Jea Street, David Tackett, and Bill Bell.  

If you’re thinking of running, remember this:  You can run on representing the people who live in your district, and you can use the fact that the incumbent has been bribed by the development community to contrast how you will be different.  I think it’s a winning issue every time. Plus, it’s the right thing to do.


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  1. jason330 says:

    Bell is my County Council person. Or I guess I should say Bell is the Developer’s Rep who happens to reside in the same council district as me.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    What’s somewhat amusing to me is that when I was helping a candidate running against an incumbent this past election, a regular DL commenter was extremely animated in their criticisms of the campaign and myself.

    One of their points was that there weren’t enough lobbyist contributions, which told them that the “smart money” was on the incumbent. Sigh.

  3. bamboozer says:

    As ever it remains the fines government money can buy. Was wont to say all Wilmington politicians are corrupt, I now correct that to All Delaware Politicians Are Corrupt. And open for bidding.

    • Not all. There are two non-corrupt members of Council. We can, and should, help to grow that number. That’s why I’m writing these pieces.

      There are quite a few legislators in Dover who aren’t corrupt, so I think you paint with too broad a brush.

  4. Alby says:

    Some observations:

    *The total expenditure over six election cycles was $579,865 and change, with 49% of it coming from developers.

    *Percentages can give an inaccurate picture. Though 87% of Valerie George’s contributions were developer money, her total haul from them was only $12,950. Tackett, Smiley and Kilpatrick each pocketed half again as much cash from developers though their percentages were lower.

    *Sheldon’s high union total reflects his union background. There’s not much secret about whom he represents.

    • We’ll get a better sense as to how much developers gave to George and Toole in the year-end reports–you know, after the scheduled bundling of contributions to them from the Tarabicos law firm. This is the first time each ran.

      I’ll have a piece on the two prevalent types of bundling in NCC later today–if I get around to it.

      You’re right about Sheldon. At least he doesn’t have as high a percentage of developer $’s as others.

    • Two more things about Valerie George–(1) She was working for amiable dunce Dave Tackett before running, so she’s following in his footsteps of banking developer $$’s, and (2) she’s replacing Lisa Diller, so we’re not looking at an upgrade here.

  5. Jason330 says:

    “We’ll get a better sense as to how much developers gave to George and Toole in the year-end reports–you know, after the scheduled bundling of contributions to them from the Tarabicos law firm. This is the first time each ran.”

    Does this graft happen prior to swearing in? If so, I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see if this handoff of the booty involves some other, higher oath of office.

    • Yes. The Tarabicos Law Firm is having a bundling party tomorrow afternoon for Valerie George and Brandon Toole. I’ve linked to the invitation before.

      George appears to be a lost cause. In fact, she may have run precisely because she knew that developers were poised to open their wallets.


      • mediawatch says:

        Yeah, but don’t expect it tomorrow. Directly telling the developers and their bundlers that he won’t accept their filthy lucre is about as likely as Trump inviting Biden for dinner.

        • jason330 says:

          “SPEECH, SPEECH!”

          “Uhm…ah….Thanks for all of this money and the nice Hors-d’œuvre. I will…uh… attempt to repay the trust that this money represents with my thoughtful consideration of the many development projects you guys have pending.”


        • Not if he doesn’t show up and if he tells them in advance that he won’t accept the ‘gifts in the spirit of the season’.

          The progressive community supported Toole. Not ‘Tool’.