DL Open Thread Monday, Dec. 26, 2022

Filed in National, Open Thread by on December 26, 2022

Good morning, yule survivors. Hope your holiday was happy. I spent part of mine wondering how anti-Semites reconcile their love of Jesus with the fact that he was born, lived and died a Jew.

I’m pretty sure the election of George Santos, the con man/congressman-elect from New York, is not the sign of a healthy democracy. There are indications that Republicans knew they had a rotten egg on their hands — outside groups donated almost no money to his campaign despite the tightness of the race.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott continues to play catch-up with Ron DeSantis in the America’s Shittiest Governor competition. He sent a busload of immigrants from the Lone Shart State to the vice president’s residence in Washington, DC, in sub-freezing temperatures with nothing but the summer-weight clothes on their backs. If justice were poetic, somebody would drive Abbott out to the sticks, leave him without his chair and tell him to walk home.

How awful was that cold snap? So bad that the annual re-enactment of Washington crossing the Delaware River had to be cancelled. Had that happened back in 1776 the revolutionaries could have lost the war, and we’d all be speaking English today.

Kari Lake, Arizona’s answer to the nationwide call for empty-headed MAGA women to run for office, struck out again when an unimpressed Republican-appointed judge tossed out another sore-loser lawsuit. It’s unclear whether she will appeal to the state Supreme Court as she continues down the long and whiny road that leads to her loss.

That’s enough for a Monday. The floor’s yours.

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