Archive for December, 2022

Song of the Day 12/22: The Moonglows, “Hey Santa Claus”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 22, 2022 0 Comments

Guest post by Nathan Arizona It’s no art film, but “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is one of the movies I look forward to most each holiday season. To me it’s not just funny but much smarter and more insightful than the other Lampoon movies — not that it avoids slapstick. It’s one of John Hughes’ […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, December 22, 2022

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 22, 2022 4 Comments

Good news!:  The days will start getting a little longer from now on.  Just thought you’d like to know…hang in there. Who Created  ‘Libs Of TikTok’?  Confession: I’d never heard of it until I read the article, but it’s an anti-LGBTQ Twitter account that has had the likes of Fox and Joe Rogan amplifying its […]

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A ‘once in a generation’ winter storm will impact nearly every state (for the 11th time this year)

Filed in National by on December 22, 2022 3 Comments

Sorry CNN and all TV weather people.  Your credibility is currently at Trump administration levels.  And making up menacing sounding shit like “bomb cyclone” and “thunder snow” doesn’t help.    By Aya Elamroussi and Jennifer Gray, CNN A major winter storm and cold blast will impact nearly every state and bring what the National Weather […]

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Michigan GOP would like single, college-educated, white women to stop destroying the country

Filed in National by on December 21, 2022 3 Comments

They’ve done the research: The co-chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party privately told supporters last month that the party’s long-established donors would rather “lose this whole state” than help GOP candidates because they “hate” former President Donald Trump. Michigan GOP co-chair Meshawn Maddock and her husband, state Rep. Matt Maddock, R-Milford, two faithful Trump supporters, gave […]

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Song of the Day 12/21: Jordan Mailata w/ Lady Alma, “Merry Christmas Baby”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Sports by on December 21, 2022 0 Comments

When Philadelphia Eagles Jason Kelce, Lane Johnson and Jordan Mailata recorded their holiday LP “A Philly Special Christmas,” producers hoped to raise $30,000 for charity. They miscalculated: Sales have been so robust that they’ve already contributed $250,000 to the Children’s Crisis Treatment Center, with more to come. Though all three offensive linemen sing on the […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday December 21 2022

Filed in National by on December 21, 2022 8 Comments

Ed Note: This is a very half-assed (already in holiday mode) Open Thread.

Trump’s Tax Returns To Be Released To The Public. After a delay to redact SS #’s and the like:

We’re looking at the last six years.

Rep Schiff says the DOJ is moving “way too slow.”

Elon Musk has said he will resign as Twitter’s chief executive officer when he finds someone “foolish enough to take the job”. (eg. the next time he looks in a mirror)

The billionaire had promised to abide by the result of a Twitter poll which saw 57.5% of users vote “yes” to him quitting the role. He says he will still run the software and servers teams after his replacement is found.

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Announcing DL’s 2022 MVP’s (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause In Delaware)!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 21, 2022 6 Comments

Perhaps more than ever, the order of these choices shouldn’t matter much, if at all.  Progressivism is growing stronger every year in Delaware, and everybody on this list has played a part.  Along with those who I’ve missed, and who I encourage you to mention.  Having said that, here goes: 10.  Brandon Toole. Not so […]

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Song of the Day 12/20: Frank Loesser and Lynn Garland, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 20, 2022 6 Comments

Four years ago the Me Too movement boosted this old holiday chestnut to No. 1 on the Most Offensive Christmas Songs list. Personally I don’t see how anything could be more offensive than “Santa Baby,” but a lot of people, put off by the song’s creepy Bill Cosby vibe, pressured radio stations to drop it […]

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BREAKING: Nicole Poore OUT As Bond Bill Chair

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2022 6 Comments

Sen. Dave Sokola has released the Senate committee assignments for the upcoming session. Quite a bit of news here.  Since I couldn’t find the release on the Senate site, I got it from the Delaware State News (h/t to one of our spies). While Nicole Poore is still on the Bond Bill Committee, she no […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday December 20 2022

Filed in National by on December 20, 2022 6 Comments

What’s the point of having guns if you can’t brandish?

An 18-year-old is now a former freshman at the University of Delaware after he was allegedly seen brandishing a gun on campus in a Snapchat video.

Michael Hearn, Junior was seen with the gun Friday, UD police said.

Possession of firearms, ammunition and other weapons is prohibited on university property under unless campus police OK it, and Hearn, who’s now been “separated” from UD and banned from the campus, is charged with possession of a firearm by a person prohibited, along with several drug offenses.

He also faces further disciplinary action by UD’s Office of Student Conduct, and is currently being held at the Howard Young Prison.

Jan 6 committee refers Donald Trump for criminal prosecution on four counts

Four Republicans referred to House ethics committee for refusing to comply with panel’s subpoenas, including Kevin McCarthy

The four counts of the Trump referrals are for “influencing or impeding an official proceeding of the US government”, “conspiring to defraud the US”, “unlawfully, knowingly or willingly making false statements to the federal government”, and “assisting or engaging in insurrection against the United States”.

The referrals are largely symbolic, as attorney general Merrick Garland will make his own decision on charges at the conclusion of the justice department’s own investigations, headed by special prosecutor Jack Smith.

The panel is also referring four Republican members of Congress to the House ethics committee for refusing to comply with subpoenas, including Kevin McCarthy, the GOP leader who is expected to run for speaker of the House when the party takes control of the chamber next year.

The January 6 committee’s full report is expected to be released today.


On the Mt Rushmore of evil fuckers out to murder our American multicultural democracy, don’t forget Tucker Carlson

Carlson is a demagogue who sneers at America’s heritage as a multicultural nation bound by shared principles like liberty, equality, and democracy. He instead embraces the blood-and-soil nationalism of European autocracies. This radical and reactionary philosophy is swiftly gaining power on the American right, thanks to adherents such as the fascist billionaire Peter Thiel and his pet philosopher Curtis Yarvin and hand-picked Sen.-elect J.D. Vance. Carlson is that movement’s accelerant; he is using his weekday program on Fox and regular specials on its streaming platform, Fox Nation, as well as his influence over the Republican Party, to bring it into the mainstream.

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Song of the Day 12/19: Chris Rea, “Driving Home for Christmas”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on December 19, 2022 1 Comment

One source of Christmas music overload: Too much repetition. Even the best songs start to chafe when you’re hearing them for the hundredth time this month, no matter how different the arrangements. British holiday music provides some relief. Songs that are overplayed in England sound fresh to American ears. This tune by blues slide guitarist […]

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DL Open Thread Monday December 19 2022

Filed in National by on December 19, 2022 10 Comments

Water? Pfft…We’ll live off tax cuts and bile!   The Colorado River’s largest reservoirs stand nearly three-quarters empty, and federal officials now say there is a real danger the reservoirs could drop so low that water would no longer flow past Hoover Dam in two years. That dire scenario — which would cut off water […]

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Song of the Day 12/18: Small Town Titans, “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch”

Filed in National by on December 18, 2022 1 Comment

Small Town Titans are a power trio from that rock hotbed of York, Pa., whose members met at Lebanon Valley College in 2011. In 2018 they released this filthy version of every hard-rock band’s favorite holiday tune, the Grinch’s theme song from the Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” A lot of bands have […]

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