What happens when a political party nominates a hard core criminal?

Filed in National by on March 31, 2023

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Doing or not doing something because Republicans will react poorly.

    In the big book of stupid, self-defeating things centrist democrats do – this is number one. Far and away #1.

    If this Stockholm syndrome extends to the legal system and we end up doing or not doing something because Republicans will react poorly. Then we really don’t deserve to remain a democracy at all.

  2. bamboozer says:

    What happens post criminal candidate? All sorts of fun with legal but no help from the constitution (Like usual). Trump remains the two edged sword of the Republicans, alternating help and destruction, the god of some and a fat toilet with legs to others. What will happen? Hoping for an epiphany within the electorate, realize for many that’s an impossible dream for a great many, as we’re not good at learning lessons here.

  3. puck says:

    Trump is not officially a criminal yet. There is a huge downside risk if the hush money case fails. Hopefully stronger indictments will follow for his other more serious crimes.

    • bamboozer says:

      Not yet, as we say here give it time. Do not see all that much risk potential as an assortment of cases are pending. Regardless Trump as messiah will be the one true god of the “Unwashed” (Old school for “the deplorables”).

    • Alby says:

      Sorry, fail to see the downside risk, though I hear plenty about it from the people who see a downside risk in everything.

      • puck says:

        Remember when Trump went around claiming the Mueller Report exonerated him and Russia collusion was a hoax? Amplified by FOX. And Merrick Garland, bless his heart, did nothing to contradict them, so I can’t say Trump was wrong.

        Now imagine Trump and FOX saying the same thing about a failed business fraud prosecution. It will be more evidence of a witch hunt and will build Trump’s credibility as a martyr.

        That is why I am hoping Bragg makes a strong case, and Trump simultaneously has to deal with indictments for his other more serious crimes.

        • Alby says:

          They’ll say whatever they want to say no matter what happens. Stop borrowing trouble for yourself.

          His credibility is unshakeable among the cult, and shit otherwise, no matter what happens or what he or anyone else says about it. Thinking otherwise is self-defeating.

    • Arthur says:

      The best thing Bragg has going for him is that Trumps attorneys are basically morons. They are either washed up tv talking heads or the hottest girls he thinks he can nail. that being said, too many times a government attorney has brought a case and had it unravel because they didnt have all the loose ends tied up, IE Disney and Desantis

  4. DoublePlusBadDuckspeaker says:

    What happens? Look around you today, nothing. The world keeps spinning. 🌏

    This only makes him stronger. I think this is a textbook pyrrhic victory.

  5. DoublePlusBadDuckspeaker says:

    Can I ask a question about another political criminal/parasite? Well I will anyway. WHERE ON GODS GREEN EARTH IS ROY C. MCGRATH!?! 🚨🚔🚨

  6. DoublePlusBadDuckspeaker says:

    I wish I could be there while his “big” “beautiful” hands are fingerprinted. Booking officer will be like “Mr. President, those are the most pristine and HUGEEE hands I have ever fingerprinted.”