Sarah McBride Announces For Congress!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 26, 2023

It’s official:

State Sen. Sarah McBride, the country’s highest-ranking transgender elected official, announced her candidacy Monday to become Delaware’s next sole congresswoman.

McBride, if elected, would become the first trans person elected to federal office, catapulting the already nationally known politician to an even bigger stage. She would also be the youngest elected official Delaware has sent to Washington since President Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate win in 1972.

“I am certainly cognizant of the uniqueness of my candidacy, of the uniqueness that my voice would bring to the halls of Congress,” she said. “But ultimately, I’m not running to be a trans member of Congress.

“I’m running to be Delaware’s member of Congress who’s focused on making progress on all of the issues that matter to Delawareans of every background.”

It’s a callback to her state Senate campaign, in which McBride ran on the notion of serving as a “senator who happens to be transgender.” Her announcement comes at a fraught time for trans Americans as a wave of GOP state legislatures have introduced bills to ban gender-affirming care and participation in sports teams for minors. A Delaware Republican senator reintroduced a bill (Richardson) last week that would require students to play only on sports teams that correspond to their biological sex.

I support her.  Hope to get a chance to knock doors on her behalf.

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  1. The website for her congressional race is up and running. Quite the list of endorsements:

  2. Andrew C says:

    I admit a little surprise. Not because she’s not qualified or ready or eager to do it, but because I remain hopelessly less courageous than her for a myriad of reasons.

    Let the vitriol and disgusting attacks commence. Be brave, Sen. McBride.

  3. puck says:

    Vitriol and disgusting attacks are employed against all Democrats, trans or not, because the Republican cult thinks all Democrats are illegitimate. There will probably be extra nasty shit directed against her trans identity, but I will likely never see it as it will probably circulate among the right-wing sewers. I don’t expect it to get any mainstream traction, and if it does it will probably inspire pro-McBride GOTV. I hope I am right about that.

  4. Jason330 says:

    As much as other people may have had an eye on this, I just don’t see her facing a primary.

    • It was definitely a ‘shock-and-awe’ kickoff. All the news coverage, including lotsa national publicity, plus an e-mail blitz. Before 11 am.

    • Jean says:

      I still think she should have waited for coons’ term to come up so she could knock him off. Coons is entrenched and LBR will lock herself in for the next two decades if no one gets in front of her. I think Sarah can do more for us in her current position than as the lone rep from a tiny state. At best it’s a lateral move.

      • Joe Connor says:

        Did you go to a seminar on making ridiculous comments?

        • What? You mean going from State Senator to Congress ISN’T a lateral move?

          Might as well also point out that getting elected to Congress in no way forestalls a future Senate run.

          • Jean says:

            i think there is still a lot of unfinished business at the state level and Sarah has taken a strong progressive lead. That isn’t to say she can’t cheerlead from the sidelines, but its doubtful that she is going to be as effective for delaware as a freshman house rep. Id rather see her help stamp out the old guard in dover and then take a victory march to Washington with a senate seat.

            In the meantime, i would love to see Eugene go toe-to-toe with lisa for her senate seat. The fact that Tom is handing off his seat to her should be the biggest indicator that she is the status quote in a sleek, modern package.

            In short, i don’t see how sending Sarah to the house and lisa to the senate moves local politics forward in a meaningful way,. At best it just becomes a stalemate.

            • Well, Lisa’s better than Tom, and Sarah’s better than Lisa, so there’s that.

              The State Senate would remain progressive even w/o Sarah. The key will be to ensure that whoever would replace Sarah is progressive as well.

              Going out on a limb–it won’t be newly-minted D Steve Washington. Oh, and it will probably be whoever Sarah recommends.

              • Jean says:

                i get the stepwise approach, but part of me wants to see a 10 year plan that leans heavily on solid progressives who are already in office and making headway. Maybe a future topic for @REV on the Bunker

              • Alby says:

                The problem, Jean, is that what you’d like to see doesn’t line up with what the actual people involved want to do. They like the stepwise approach because it’s safer.

                Politics is like boxing — if you lose, it’s hard to rebrand yourself as a winner. Lose twice and you’re just about doomed. So nobody wants to lose.

                It’s always easier to gamble with someone else’s future.

            • Jason330 says:

              Concern trollus Maximus weighs in. You are so full of shit. It is actually hilarious.

  5. Anne Allen says:

    She knows what she’s getting into.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Just when you thing the New York Times couldn’t be any more fucked up. Check out this headline.

    Delaware Lawmaker Aims to Be First Openly Transgender House Member

    First “openly” Transgender House Member …. really?

    • Andrew C says:

      It’s true. Marjorie Taylor Greene is still in the closet.

      • ben says:

        That’s kind of transphobic. Insult that festering pile of shit (mtg) without making being trans a slur.

        • Alby says:

          Once upon a time, with her beetled brow, knobby nose and aggro behavior, she would have been described as “mannish,” and it wouldn’t have been intended as a trans slur because there was no such thing at the time. Unless calling a woman mannish, or a man effeminate, was a trans slur and we just didn’t know it.

          Personally, I think she’s ‘roided up. IIRC from that profile of her some months back, her life changed when she took up Crossfit and had an affair with her trainer. Just a hunch, nothing to back it up but her behavior, which has lots of other possible causes.

          • Ben says:

            “We used to talk like that and no one complained” (or variations of it)
            isn’t the defense you think it is…..
            Talk however you want. I’m just pointing something out..
            Also, the comment in question literally suggest she’s trans, so…. not sure why your example is relevant. <3

            • Alby says:

              It’s called context, not defense. If you weren’t being intentionally offensive, you wouldn’t take every response as a defense.

    • Andrew C says:

      And to be fair, Sen. McBride characterizes it that way herself:

      “As they’ve increased their attacks on families and kids, it has become even clearer: for our democracy to work, it needs to include all of us. If elected, I’ll be the first openly trans member in Congress.”

  7. puck says:

    Trans people will have arrived when they can announce a candidacy without using the word “transgender.”

  8. Just a reminder–this is a moderated blog. When you find yourself blacklisted, you won’t wonder why. Because–you have been warned.

  9. Another Mike says:

    I have to admit I am disappointed … that Sarah will no longer be my state senator. She’ll be great in Washington.

    • Cynthia Gooch Copley says:

      The best comment I’ve heard…..
      Goooo Sarah, you’ll be great in Washington!!

  10. nathan arizona says:

    I guess I’m asking to be educated, but what did “Jean” write at 7:10 and 7:27 that elicited such a negative response from Jason at 7:51? Alby’s response at 8:33 seems better.

    • Alby says:

      She (I’m assuming from the name) specializes in provocative comments, so what’s said in any individual comment or the reaction to it should be understood in that context.

  11. nathan arizona says:

    El Som’s at 7:19 also seemed better.