Remember That ‘Self-Sustaining’ Port Of Wilmington?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 26, 2023

Looks like Jeffrey Bullock and the self-anointed ‘grown-ups’ are gonna stick us with a, wait for it, $100 million price tag. Oh, and try to hide it from us.  From the News-Journal:

Delaware will get less money from the Port of Wilmington following its failed deal that privatized the port and taxpayers could be on the hook for $100 million or more, according to documents obtained by Delaware Online/The News Journal.

The next operator of the port would pay a third of what its predecessor paid to operate the port and contribute a smaller portion of the estimated cost of a planned port expansion under proposed terms obtained by Delaware Online/The News Journal. Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock said he expects taxpayers to contribute at least $100 million toward the expansion, according to minutes of a closed-doors session.

Bullock, who serves as the chair of the port corporation board, said all of these negotiations are unfolding on parallel tracks. He plans to convene the board in early July to consider a final agreement with Enstructure, which he expects to be similar to what’s outlined in the proposed terms. Bullock hopes Enstructure will take over as the new operator by the middle of next month.

“It’s very important that we move quickly,” Bullock said.

Ah, yes, before the public sees what’s going on.  To wit:

The Diamond State Port Corporation is a corporate entity of the state that oversees a now privately-operated business. There’s been little public deliberation of the merits of the proposals received by the board — from companies who prefer their negotiations be cloaked — and the role taxpayers will play in funding the port’s expansion.

Time to call a halt to this bullshit:

The terms are now subject to negotiations between Enstructure and the port corporation. Any agreement will need to be approved by the port corporation’s board of directors and leaders of the General Assembly. 

Those so-called leaders must insist on transparency, including public hearings, before they agree to anything.  As to Jeff Bullock, who started out as Tom Carper’s driver when Carper was running for Congress, nobody, not even Claire DeMatteis, has fallen upward despite a long record of incompetence quite like him.  Shouldn’t competence be at least a minimum standard for wielding this type of power?  I mean, $100 mill coming from the taxpayers?  Enough already.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Yep, it’s more games and yet another big bill for the states residence, tell me again how private enterprise is always better then government control as I need a good laugh. As for Jeff Bullock how many others like him are in the state government, and then tell me the politicians they are related to and allied with. But will it be “Enough”, sadly I doubt it.

  2. All Seeing says:

    Don’t forget Happy Harry and the Gov trying to bamboozle the Longshoreman with a extremely bad polluter Kinder Morgan that everybody woke up too? They were going to bring in Coal-dust, liquid fertilizer and anything bad for our health. There’s nothing worse then a sellout politician except for Russian-cutout dupes? just my opinion. That’s what we as citizens have to put up with in a Private, Public Partnership government. Yes, they even believe in eminent domain as quiet as it’s kept. Fight Back! VOTE DOWN SEAFORD SWINDLE.

  3. ScarletWoman says:

    Yo Jeff, any progress on those mountains of tires yet sweetie??

  4. Prioritize and lose money, refinance at tax payer expense, hide it from the public, perfect Republican Game Planning, worthy of Trump?

    • Here’s what John Carney said five years ago when the deal was cut with the current operator:

      “When Delaware selected GT USA to operate the port, Gov. John Carney said by ceding control to a private company the state was getting “out of the business of subsidizing the port.” Delaware had spent about $15 million annually upgrading the port and covering its operating deficit.”

      So, someone is out of the ‘business of subsidizing the port’.

      Said someone, it turns out, will not be the taxpayers, who Carney’s appointee said in private (we weren’t supposed to find out) could now be on the hook for up to $100 million.

      You’re right about ‘hiding it from the public’. Like just about everything that this governor and his ‘team players’ try to do at every turn.