DL Open Thread Wednesday June 28 2023

Filed in National by on June 28, 2023

Another Seaford self-own:  

SEAFORD, Del. – Delaware Senator Bryant Richardson (R – Seaford) has announced a new bill he plans to introduce in the state called the Fairness in Girls’ Sports Act.

The announcement comes as fierce debates around transgender athletes continue to flare across the United States.

“With the rise of male students participating in female sports across the nation, it is important we protect female athletes in Delaware, guaranteeing fairness and equal opportunity for success,” Senator Richardson said.

Richardson’s office says Senate Bill 191 would require individuals to participate only in a sport associated with his or her biological sex.

This proposed “legislation” predated McBrides announcement, but nevertheless, I quote myself: 

Are they (the DEGOP) somehow thinking that normal Delawareans will join them in thinking that if McBride wins transgender teams of softball players will try to gain an advantage in the state championship?     Yes they are thinking that, again, because they are idiots.


Please be true…

Legal scholar: Report suggests DOJ about to indict Trump’s “whole criminal gang” for conspiracy

The Justice Department is charging ahead in its probe of former President Donald Trump’s role in attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Special counsel Jack Smith, who is also overseeing the prosecution of Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, is spearheading the election-focused investigation.

The Washington Post reported that the probe is moving forward on “multiple tracks,” focusing on ads and fundraising pitches that proclaimed election fraud as well as plans for “fake electors.”

Particular emphasis has been placed on a group of attorneys who specifically attempted to persuade state, local, federal and judicial authorities that President Joe Biden’s win was illegitimate. The DOJ is attempting to discern whether attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Kurt Olsen, Kenneth Chesebro, and then-Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark were following orders from Trump and what the nature of said orders was.

Trump’s inner circle has alleged that preparing alternate electors does not qualify as criminal conduct, according to the Post.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Yusef Salaam, one of the exonerated Central Park Five, has won his Democratic primary race for New York City Council and will almost certainly win the office.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The bill in Seaford concerning trans youth in sports is typical of the Republicans. They cannot leave people alone, especially if their different. They always talk of love and then spew hatred… Oops, that’s the Evangelicals. As for indicting the “whole criminal gang” that’s what’s really needed, in it’s way what happened truly was “organized crime” and needs to be stamped out at the root.

  3. Jean says:

    Pretty gross article in the news journal today that glosses over a tragic case of child endangerment, probably because the family is wealthy and white. A kid will grow up as an amputee and his dad gets almost a hero treatment in the article despite his recklessness being the cause. They even have the gall to solicit donations from the community despite being business owners

    • mediawatch says:

      Damn right!

    • Alby says:

      I agree the article should have framed the statistics as a warning rather than a justification, and that angle should have been placed higher in the story.

      We also should have been told what kind of “small businesses” these folks own. “Owning a business” often means “self-employed,” and nowhere in the article does it say that the family is wealthy. They are looking at six figures of continuing expenses that insurance isn’t going to cover.

      They have gall? Look in the mirror.

      • Jean says:

        This guy should thank his lucky stars his kid survived and that he isn’t facing criminal charges. Normal people would crawl in a hole, show a bit of shame, count their blessings and lay low for a decade. Having a glowing write up in the news journal (and Delaware today) leads me to believe they have the kind of social capital that comes with money. They certainly have the tone-deafness of the upper class

        • jason330 says:

          Based on censorious the comments here I was expecting a unsecured firearm, or careless fireworks. Accidents happen to people in every income quartile.

        • Alby says:

          Shorter version: You are making a bunch of assumptions that say more about you than about them.

          The hospital doesn’t bill parents, but the family faces $200,000 in expenses that will go to therapy and the series of prosthetics the child will need as he grows. The way we pay for that in this country is by begging for it.

          Your constant denigration of a series of cliched boogeymen does grow tiresome.

          • Jean says:

            Normal people don’t grievously Injure their kids through gross neglect then spin it as an inspirational tale while passing the collection plate. They’ll be back in the news sooner or later and next time it will involve mug shots

            • Alby says:

              You are attributing how it’s spun to the parents rather than everyone else involved. How the media decides to treat the story isn’t the parents’ doing.

              Again, your harsh views are perhaps revealing more about you than them.

  4. All Seeing says:

    Trump wrote an editorial calling for death penalty for Central Park 5. I think it’s time he wrote another editorial for his department store rape and conviction with same penalty for himself.

  5. ScarletWoman says:

    Really like to get to the bottom of what Great Oz with deep, dark money and an opportunistic agenda targeted Seaford, and is propelling its fine citizens to all these nefarious acts: burial of fetal remains, LLC voting rights, and now “fairness” in girls sports.

    • Joe Connor says:

      I umpired my first high school Baseball game in Seaford in ’87 and Soccer in ’88. It was a right wing mecca and openly racist then and in my 15 years or so of working games there if anything, it got worse. Evaluating Rt. 13 Sussex towns from Greenwood it is either the worst or maybe a tad ahead of Nitwitzkeville, Delmar.

  6. Paul Hayes says:

    We used to accuse the Communist Chinese of doping their female athletes every international competition. Anyone who chooses to educate themselves knows that the hormone treatments that go with gender reassignment reduce male muscle mass significantly. Senator Richardson only demonstrates that he is lazy as well as ignorant and bigoted by his “thrust” against the trans community.

  7. Alby says:

    It’s a measure of what pathetic specimens Republicans are that they think the reason someone would undergo a gender transition is so they could win at sports. As if winning at sports were somehow meaningful.

    Witless Witzke was a jock IIRC. I’m sure there were plenty of lesbians on some of those teams. I’ll bet Witless, like most people who protest too much, is covering up for something.