This should really be Ramone’s last lap in the pool

Filed in National by on June 28, 2023

The DEGOP is all about shitting on Biden and being afraid that a trans person is going to try and influence the state softball championship.   With that lackluster infrastructure and this being a presidential year, Ramone, Smith and Hensley should be gone, gone, gone after the next election.   But there are Democrats that seem vested in these guys hanging on.   Stephanie Hansen doing co-events with Hensley comes to mind but there are many others.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. deeds says:

    Hansen doing events with Hensley is very noticeable to people around MOT Dem organizations, but she seems blind to it. Someone should kindly tell her. Or they will remind her when she comes to them for an endorsement in some future Dem primary.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I get that handing out big novelty checks to Vol fire companies is part of the job, but Hansen constantly going around and having pics taken with Hensley helps people forget that he is a cog in a machine built to shove tax breaks in the pockets of millionaire while depriving women of healthcare.

    A little team spirit would be nice.