Patriotism Police

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023

I’ve noticed this at Phillies games.  There are self-appointed patriotism enforcers who will scream at you if they think you are taking too long to remove your hat during National Anthem.   It is ridiculous and annoying wingnut virtue signaling.   And oh yeah, they also think you should stand up for “God Bless America”  which is a garbage song.  

Here’s an evergreen opening for you: Right-wing media is outraged that [people they perceive to be “woke”] are [doing … something]. In this case, members of the U.S. women’s national soccer team stood silently when the national anthem was played at the World Cup in Auckland, New Zealand. They didn’t take a knee, they didn’t raise a fist in protest, they didn’t grimace, and they didn’t shout. They stood silently and what you might call respectfully, if you weren’t dedicated to being outraged.

Commence the social media screaming. “The most shameful conduct.” “An insult to every American.” “An attack on our country, our flag, and those who fought and died for our nation.” Former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, looking for traction in the Republican presidential primary, tweeted reproachfully about it. Many commentators took Haley’s approach, lecturing these women at the pinnacle of their sport, women who waged and won a years-long fight for equal pay, as if they were insufficiently grateful children.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Amanda Marcotte, writing about the predictable RW reaction to the Barbie movie:

    This is how the right-wing noise machine works: It gloms onto an immediate cultural moment, whatever that happens to be, and emits a series of high-pitched whining noises…

    [T]he blueprint used by right-wing propagandists in these exercises is so familiar that it’s become as automatic as breathing. First, figure out what ordinary people are talking about. Then be a total dick about it, randomly claiming that it’s all a plot to undermine the “freedoms” and “traditions” of “real” Americans, i.e., culturally alienated conservatives.

    Persuade folks to start fighting about these non-issues on social media, and then sit back and watch the media fall for it, with accelerating coverage of their dumb and sometimes blatantly fake opinions bringing in clicks and ad dollars, or, for GOP elected officials and candidates, hard-cash donations.

    • Jason330 says:

      Navin: I’ve already given away eight pencils, two hoola dolls, and an ashtray, and I’ve only taken in fifteen dollars.

      Frosty: Navin, you have taken in fifteen dollars and given away fifty cents worth of crap, which gives us a net profit of fourteen dollars and fifty cents.

      Navin: Ah… It’s a profit deal.

  2. Another Mike says:

    I think people should stand during the 7th inning stretch, but I won’t yell at someone who stays seated.

  3. nathan arizona says:

    I don’t know who decided we have to stand up and sing “God Bless America,” but they can stuff it. If some idiots insist on playing a patriotic song between innings, I’d prefer the superior “America the Beautiful,” but I wouldn’t sing that either. I don’t sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” but I don’t mind if somebody else stands up and does. That one’s connected to baseball.