The ‘Occasional’ Delaware Political Weekly: August 18, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 18, 2023

Two ‘occasional’ political weekly pieces in the same week?  Yes.  The main reason? Item #1:

1. Something Stinks In Newark.  Hmmm, is it the unmistakable smell of cop donuts and Babe Ruth League canteen hot dogs?  Yep, we’re talking Pete ‘n Val stench.  How else to explain the newly-filed candidate committee of one Michael A. Smith?  He has filed as a Democrat in the 21st RD to face Frank Burns, who came within an eyelash of defeating Mike Ramone in 2022.  He presents himself as a progressive, raising the question: Why is he running?  I spoke with him Wednesday, and still have no idea what the raison d’etre for his candidacy is.  I also have no idea who he really is.  He has shared nothing about what he did before he came to Delaware, where he came from, and, for that matter, whether his real name is Michael A. Smith.

Michael–feel free to come on here and fill in these blanks:  Why are you running?  Where did you come from?  What did you do before you came here?

Here’s what little we know.  He’s only recently moved to Newark and has no roots there.  Doesn’t appear he lived in Delaware prior to settling in Newark. He is a staffer for the House Democratic Caucus.  Now, bear with me here. We’re talking about caucus leadership that has fired dozens of staffers, many for, at best dubious reasons.  But here’s a guy who’s gonna take a leave of absence in an election year to primary a Democrat who is well-positioned to take out Mike Ramone, and Pete ‘n Val encourage him to go forth with their approval?  I don’t buy it, not for a minute.  I think they want Smith to (a) either damage Burns’ candidacy, and/or (b) to pave the way for yet a third primary opponent of the cop or construction union ilk.

He did a lot, a lot, of name-dropping of caucus members during our talk, implying that he has their support.  I don’t think he does, except perhaps for Pete ‘n Val. Michael, if you care to share those who have endorsed you, please share.   Also, please share why you would be a preferable alternative to Frank Burns.  Otherwise, it would be in the interest of the progressive policies you purport to support for you to step aside and perhaps become Val’s #1 staffer.  Until she fires you.

2.  Marty Rendon Announces–And He’s Spec-TAC-ular.  He’s not overqualified.  He merely brings tremendous credentials to the General Assembly:

Commissioner Marty Rendon of the Delaware Human and Civil Rights Commission today announced his candidacy for the 14th Representative District. Rendon has served on the Commission for four years and is Chair of the Commission’s Legislative Committee.

Prior to his commission service, he ran Congressional relations for UNICEF in Washington for 25 years and worked on Capitol Hill in a variety of legislative positions, including serving on the staff of the House Rules Committee for eight years. He also was Staff Director of the House Select Committee on Hunger.

I had the opportunity to meet Marty during interview sessions for progressive candidates.  I simply can’t believe that someone with, not just his credentials, but his empathy and command of the issues, could actually replace Speaker Pete in the General Assembly.  I’m all in. Hope that you are as well.  If so, head on over here, and show some love with a donation.

3. MY Choice For Governor…: In the end, it was not a difficult decision.  In fact, it made itself.  We had heard from Bethany Hall Long at a recent RD 7 Committee meeting, and we had the chance to ask her questions.  Just this past week,  I had the chance to see and hear Matt Meyer at a Meet The Candidate event in Arden. The event was really well-organized and very well-attended, with virtually all the attendees from the Ardens. We had the chance to ask Matt questions as well.  After hearing from both of them and hearing how they responded to questions, there’s just no comparison.  Matt Meyer is my choice for Governor.

BHL responded to our questions (which included how to deal with retired state employees, budget smoothing, and her priorities) in a circuitous manner–long responses which, if you weren’t paying close attention, could mean that she agreed with you, or didn’t agree with you.  I could only conclude afterwards that the lack of transparency of her answers was deliberate.  She is a very smart woman, and the answers were, IMO, well-rehearsed, but totally lacking in substance.

In contrast, Matt’s responses were specific, he criticized the lack of transparency in government, and cited some of the ‘big ideas’ he’d implemented as County Executive.  I know that some, including our blinkered Governor, were pissed off that Matt got his hands on Covid relief money.  To them, all I can do is to ask: What the fuck would Carney have done with those dollars?  Would he have acquired a ghost hotel to address the problem of homelessness?  Would he have contracted with mental health professionals to ride along with police to defuse potential dangerous situations? Would he have started a training program to teach coding skills to under-served youth?  Answer:  He wouldn’t, and he didn’t.  I suspect that he was pissed off because Matt made him look bad.  Carney didn’t just look bad, he’s simply been a bad governor.  Terrible, in fact.

BHL gave us nothing to suggest that she would deviate much from the Delaware Way script she’d be inheriting from her predecessors.  Matt gave us chapter-and-verse.  In a contest between the head cheerleader and the high school nerd student council president, give me the nerd.

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. AA says:

    It’s amusing to me that when I dropped several weeks ago that Mr. Smith would be running, it was taken as a joke. I guess it only is serious once you write it on the little blog.

    • Alby says:

      As I recall it set off a discussion of which Michael Smith it was.

      There’s no need to be snippy about it. If you don’t like it here you can start your own little blog.

    • Joe Connor says:

      The dude appears to be an actual very bad joke and your little 2 letter troll account is not particularly amusing either. Until proven otherwise the candidate is seen as a Pete puppet and will be treated accordingly by a fair bunch of legit progressive activists.
      Pete, you gonna campaign with this guy like you did Madinah’s opponent?

      • Not ONLY did Pete campaign with Madinah’s opponent.

        Guess who he and Our PAL Val assigned this staffer to? That’s right.

        Someone used the phrase ‘psy-ops’ when referring to this guy. Starting to come more clearly into focus.

        I’ll also say–I’ve rarely had more people contact me off the record about ANYONE. Nobody has a word to say in his defense.

        Michael A.? Floor’s yours.

        • New-ishtoDEpolitics says:

          Just curious- who exactly did Pete campaign with when Madinah was running?

          • He posed with Kelly Williams Maresca, the Rethug-turned-D who primaried Madinah in 2022. In other words, he supported a challenger to an incumbent D member of his caucus. Madinah got over 67% of the vote.

  2. Val Longhurst’s teenage harem says:

    He’s from Illinois but tells everyone he’s from Alabama. He was a national level College Democrats big wig (show me a college democrat and I’ll show you a republican by 35). House Leadership was aware he was running before he ever got hired and he was, allegedly, telling lobbyists he was running while in Leg Hall.

    The whole thing stinks to high hell and if Kathy was the anti-corruption warrior she claims she is they would already have an investigation open.

    • You had me at ‘Val Longhurst’s teenage harem’.

      Say, you don’t s’pose that THAT’s why she hung around that Babe Ruth League canteen for all those years, do you?

  3. Zasha says:

    I’m solidly with Frank through primary day and after if he wins. He worked very hard last cycle and his policy positions are aligned with my values. He’s also an earnest, sincere person who wants to do this job for the greater good and not for personal ambition. I feel the Burn(s).

    • Another thing about Frank: He gives back. He’s been helping out people who will run as progressives this cycle. I know. I’ve seen him in action.

      A real good person.

  4. dede says:

    Quite the uptick in 25 year olds and under with zero life experience running for office in Delaware.

    • Define ‘zero life experience’ and I MIGHT agree with you.

    • Joe Connor says:

      I may be sensitive but this sounds like another dig at the only announced under 25 , Branden has plenty of life experience and mad skills. I may be biased but he reminds me of my favorite Florida Congressman , Maxwell Frost , D, 25 Orlando😎

      • That’s the way I took it. Some people have more life experience at the age of 25 than some ‘To The Manor Borns’ ever have. You know, like Charles ‘Bouvier de Flanders’ Copeland, to choose a name at random.

  5. Kent says:

    BHL is the most fake person I’ve ever met in my life

  6. Mike says:

    Marty Rendon is going to have a hard time in the 14th. I think that district wants a pro-choice candidate, and he is a devout Catholic.

    • Can you point me to anything that suggests he doesn’t support choice? If, as you claim, he’s a ‘devout Catholic’, he’s a Catholic who, and I quote:

      “Delaware has strong laws on its books to support its diverse residents. Delaware prevents discrimination on the basis of age, creed, disability status, familial status, marital status, national origin, race/color, religion, sex (gender), sexual orientation/gender identity, and source of income. As a Commissioner, Marty has fought to secure and maintain these protections. In Dover, he will support measures to preserve and enhance these protections and will oppose efforts to undermine or remove personal freedoms supported by the people of Delaware and enshrined in Delaware law.’

      Sounds like a strong defense of abortion rights to me.

      I smell Troll.

    • Cmon says:

      Didn’t the election of Biden the last democratic primary prove most rank and file dems aren’t pot smoking people in in Che shirts correcting you on their pronoun? And just happen to be hardworking folks who happen to be center left? Who cares if he’s believes in god? Are you serious

  7. Jason330 says:

    Incumbent protection is the highest priority for incumbents. Incumbents are a political party in full. It isn’t just Pete and Val.

    Ramone, for all his bluster about skittles, is the club.

  8. Tumble Creek says:

    Woah, kinda harsh on Michael A. Smith?
    Not the first staffer who might have discussed a campaign while in Leg Hall. I get what you say about Frank Burns, also a great candidate, and if this primary happens it will be a shame if one or both end up losing. Just like our lone Congressional race. Michael has a solid background and has been very involved in environmental issues, including founding Powering Our Future, with Sophie Phillips on his board. I think your post is quite unfair. Frank isn’t annointed. But I do wish Michael would run for an open seat…

    • It’s not just the post. I can’t recall ever receiving such negative feedback on a purported progressive candidate in my, hmm, let’s see, 14 years of blogging on Delaware politics.

      Tell me why he’s running. You would be the first one. He didn’t explain that to me during our conversation. I’ve invited him on here to tell us.

      So far, crickets.

    • Countycouncil9 says:

      It is an open seat. Ramone is not running

      • Has he announced it? If he hasn’t, he’s running until he’s not running.

        • Countycouncil9 says:

          Can we have a little wager ? $ 100 says he is not running . Let me know if you accept, nothing but fun .

          • I kinda think he’s not gonna run.

            But, it’s not the sure thing you’ve claimed–even if he’s told you he’s not running.

            When he either announces his retirement, or doesn’t file by the deadline, then we can move on…

      • Mike N Sophie Forever says:

        I don’t know if that is the real Frank Burns, but we can be sure that Tumble Creek is the real Michael A Smith. No one would post his LinkedIn or site because there are *no* Mike Smith stans. The guy generates even less enthusiasm than Mike Pence, which is just plain sad given his age.

        Having accomplished anything in College Dems in Alabama bespeaks a desire to climb the political ladder from a young age, especially on easy turf. Career politicians are what is wrong with this country; we need fewer individuals like this, not more.

        While I agree that no one is anointed, Frank Burns is the best chance we have to finally flip that district and for Smith to be doing this he must have a greater sense of entitlement than personal conviction.

        I am also not impressed by anything he did for Sophie Phillips given that he’s obsessed with her. After Smith both loses the primary and jeopardizes the district he will probably wander into Legislative Hall wearing Sophie’s skin and beg for his old job back.

        • No. Tumble Creek is NOT the real Michael A. Smith. I can assure you of that.

          I also think it’s wrong to characterize someone as being ‘obsessed’ with someone else.

          Last Warning.

  9. Sussex Worker says:

    I was somewhat persuaded by El Som’s points supporting his choice of Matt Meyer over Bethany Ha–Long for governor UNTIL I receive an evite for a fundraiser for Meyer, scheduled for August 31st in Dewey Beach. It lists 16 “sponsors”. I recognize most of the names. Very few are from Sussex-most from NCC. Many are not Democrats. What struck me most, and made me question Matt’s progressive credentials are these sponsors:
    Bob Byrd
    Rhett Ruggerio
    Verity Watson
    Kim Wilson
    All four major lobbyists. Among their clients are Highmark, the Chamber, a score of insurance companies. Most of your readers know these names.

    Another sponsor from NCC is Alan Levin.

    I think I need to take another look at the opposition.

    Two sponsors are owners of manufactured home communities containing thousand of residents on low or fixed income. These two are Andy Strine and Robert Tunnell. Tunnell owns the Pots Nets communities. Strine owns communities in Sussex and Kent.

    How will Matt Meyer serve the best interests of average Delawareans when some of his major supporters, and donors, are from the elite or represent the elite? Does anyone believe these people support a candidate because they believe that candidate will fight for ordinary people? I think Mr. Meyer could just a continuation of Delaware business as usual.

    • Alby says:

      Agree. Meyer has been supported by so-called “moderate Republicans” from jump. I don’t like BHL, but Meyer is not a viable alternative.

      • I get it, I really do. It’s not as if I haven’t been critical of Matt Meyer even in the recent past. Someone, might have been me, even wrote a piece entitled ‘Matt Meyer Can Kiss My Ass’. (Truth in advertising: He didn’t kiss it.)

        But, barring a credible third candidate, the choice will be between Meyer and BHL. I’ve now had the opportunity to hear each of them in candidate mode, and I stand by my argument that the decision made itself.

        IF you support BHL, please explain why. Something positive.

        Yes, I’d give O’Mara a hearing if he jumped in. I can only hope that Richard Korn really ISN’T his campaign manager.

    • Uh, SW, care to go through BHL’s latest campaign filing? I did. She hasn’t filed her committee for governor yet. From her 2022 annual filing–all max contributors:

      Robert Byrd, Rebecca Byrd, Kim Gomes (all three with Byrd & Associates). Christian Hudson, Suxco developer; Scott Kidner, Rethug lobbyist; Archer Daniels Midland; Centene Management Group LLC-a managed care health company that paid out $140 mill in fines to states in 2021; Christine Schiltz, big-time lobbyist for insurance industry; Delaware Restaurant Association).

      I’m only to the ‘d’s based on first name, plus a couple that I highlighted b/c of the names that SW posted. But I hope you get my point: Cherry-picking from one candidate’s list of campaign donors w/o looking at the other candidate’s list is intellectually dishonest. You can check out EVERY officeholder/candidate’s list of donors here:

      Yes, most lists are depressing. But that’s the world we live in until/unless we change it.

      • Sussex Worker says:

        Well taken. However, I didn’t cherry pick from campaign finance filings. I did not look at either candidate’s past filings. I reacted solely to the evite I received for a Matt Meyer’s fundraiser list of hosts. Yes, some of the same lobbyists gave to BHL’s Lt Governor account and then to Matt Meyer. A plague on both their houses then. Maybe these lobbyists have concluded Matt is more pliable than is Bethany. Yes- a progressive should hope for a third way.

  10. Frank Burns says:

    I was at Ramone’s July constituent coffee and he sure sounded like he was running. I think he was looking at defeat and considering not running. Now he seems all in. Perhaps because with a primary some Democratic support will stay on the sidelines until September, leaving little chance to put those resources to use effectively before the November election.

  11. Governor Who? says:

    All I will say about the Meyer/Bethany race is Matt was able to loan himself $400,000. That already disqualifies him for a WFP endorsement. My thoughts are there is no actual progressive in this race so vote for who you want, but don’t waste time on the race, there are better ones to spend your time & energy on. However should Colin O’Mara enter, he’d have my vote for sure.

  12. John Kowalko says:

    Colin Omarra escorted and pushed Bloom Energy onto 300,000 Delmarva customers at on ongoing cost of 15 million a year borne by those customers. Former Rep. John Kowalko.

    • Adam Y. Kelly says:

      An additional $50 in costs on average per customer? I haven’t heard of Colin so I think I’ve been out of the loop for a little bit, or not in the know for long enough.

      • Alby says:

        To be fair, Markell deserves more blame than O’Mara, who was mainly the salesman. Which doesn’t absolve him. They were selling a scam in slavish obeisance to jerbs, jerbs, jerbs when the Great Recession hit.

        The worst structural problem in American governance is the cock-eyed notion that the government can only create jobs by giving money to corporations.

  13. BDS says:

    Please God send us another candidate for governor. I want Meyer’s ability to articulate his positions and propose realistic solutions to pressing problems, BHL’s caring nurse’s heart, and a true progressive’s idealism around worker’s rights, affordable housing, universal health care, public education (resources not bullshit reform and please no more Charters), subsidized childcare for working families, high-quality free pre-k for all, smart justice, adding tax brackets and increasing taxes so the rich pay their fair share. Who will step up and run on raising revenue through progressive taxation so we can adequately fund essential government and gov adjacent services that are directly or indirectly enjoyed by every Delawarean? Must we accept the inevitability of a Matt or a Bethany?