Last week’s Israel poll results and this week’s poll

Filed in National by on August 29, 2023

On the question of US support for Israel, a large majority of DL lurkers/commenters are Anti-Coonsian to some degree (79%).  Whereas the Coonsian approach to Israel policy is to give Israel everything the Likud Party wants, no questions asked.   DL lurkers/comments think that Israel is a pariah state that should be cut off  OR support should be predicated on Israel not being so fascist.    So Senator Chris Coons is way out of step with Delaware Liberals, but how out os step is he with Democrats in general?  Here is what the Brookings Institute found when they polled Democrats on this question:

 “You may have been following recent developments in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. In your opinion which of the following is closer to describing the way Israel looks to you.”

  • a vibrant democracy (3%)
  • a flawed democracy (16%)
  • a state with restricted minority rights (8%)
  • a state with segregation similar to apartheid (21%)
  • Don’t know  (52%)


This week’s poll question is a knowable fact.  On an average day, how many people are shot in the United States?  Take the poll and good luck not being one of them today.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (3)

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  1. Trapper says:

    327 according to one site.

  2. Andrew C says:

    Do you mean shot and killed? Or wounded?

  3. Jason330 says:
