Democrats must do “X” or else Republicans will get angry

Filed in National by on September 14, 2023

Arguing that the Democrats must do or not do something because the MAGATs will react badly is high level Centrist Dipshitery that is related to this:

None of what (Centrist Dipshit) says is surprising because it is the exact same page from the exact same playbook the GOP used against Clinton.

Drive the Democratic base engagement & enthusiasm down with same outrageous lies you use to drive the Republican base engagement up. Take 1 or 2 points from their GOTV and and 1 or 2 points to your GOTV.

That’s the whole ballgame. Everything else is jibber-jabber.

Centrist dipshitery all basically comes down to echoing whatever the GOP noise machine tells them to echo, in calmer, more sober (but very worried) tones.

Are We All Unpaid Dem Operatives Or Not

Biden’s pretty old. In an ideal world Biden would not running for president again. In an ideal world Biden would not be president, even though he’s been a lot better than the last two Dems.

That’s not the same thing as saying “Biden should drop out,” just that a reordering of of the universe would be preferred (much as many reorderings of the universe was be preferred).

But Biden isn’t going to drop out. Even if I thought he should drop out, nothing I write in my little blog would make that happen. If I had a column in one of our premier prestige periodicals, nothing I would write there would make him drop out, either.

I could write numerous articles about how he SHOULD drop out because he’s old and faltering or whatever, but what would that achieve? It would communicate to large numbers of people that I, an important person with an important outlet, think a priority right now, in year of our Gritty 2023, was to warn the country about the old man who needs to drop out. Probably something to that?

A certain set of centrist dipshits have moved on from the Lab Leak and hating trans people (briefly) to write about Biden needs to drop out. Hey, go crazy, guys, but centrist dipshits *also* love to lecture The Left about how everything twitter user CastroChavez69 tweets is going to hurt the electoral chances of Democrats.

Generally, centrist dipshists love to prove how reasonable and savvy they are by echoing right wing talking points (also because they agree with them)  and, I suspect, to the extent The Discourse matters, that’s often a lot more damaging than what some lefty shitposters write in obscure journals of opinion.

It’s a bit like how “defund the police” was the most damaging thing in the history of electoral politics, which is why James Carville had to go on TV and angrily express that point 417 days in a row. Who, actually, is doing the damage here?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    It’s been said many a time what we need is “more and better” Dems, would suggest the real problem is the “better” aspect at this point. We need fighters, we get centrist wilting flowers like Coons, eager to apologize and roll over for his “good friends in the Republican party”. Speaking of which where are the better Dems, and how do we get them into office, failing divine intervention.

    • Clay says:

      Coons isn’t a democrat or a centrist. He flows along the path of least resistance, he is a human weathervane. He is a fragile white man who feeds on the validation of others.

      You keep asking for fighters but legacy dems pull punches at every turn. Who here is actually willing to to get nasty about someone’s family or threaten a career to get what the people want? No one. Even our progs are too “Delaware nice”