DL Open Thread: Thursday, September 14, 2023

Filed in National by on September 14, 2023

The MAGA Doom Loop: Rethugs Double Down On Anti-Democracy, Voters Of All Stripes Rebel.  Wash, Rinse, Repeat:

For almost three years now, Republicans have defended or embraced Donald Trump’s authoritarianism — from lies about his 2020 loss to inciting an insurrection — which backfired as Americans proved unexpectedly eager to vote in defense of democracy in the 2022 elections as well as in contests this year.

But Republicans aren’t giving up — they’re going even further. To an unappreciated degree, they have responded to these electoral losses with even more flagrantly anti-democratic maneuvers all around the country.

The pattern is becoming clear: Even as voters are mobilizing to protect democracy at the ballot box, Republicans are redoubling their commitment to the former president’s anti-majoritarian mode of politics. And this, in turn, is motivating voters even more.

Call it the “MAGA doom loop.” It’s playing out in state after state.

Speaking Of MAGA Doom Loops:  House Rethugs Revel In Chaos They Cause.  I doubt that this will prove to help them at the ballot box either:

A day after Speaker Kevin McCarthy dramatically escalated his party’s impeachment drive, he is still struggling to contain a conservative revolt that could soon plunge Washington into a shutdown.

The most immediate sign that the speaker’s troubles have not abated is defense spending legislation slated to come to the floor later on Wednesday. It’s a Republican bill, but McCarthy lacks the votes to bring it up it because of objections from hardliners and a smattering of absences.

Even McCarthy loyalists are concerned about the lack of options for a high-stakes September, with some privately saying they’re worried about shouldering blame for a shutdown than the impeachment inquiry. Democrats need to flip just a handful of seats to take back the House next year.

“We have an evolving strategy going right now. This whole place is about chaos, right?” Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) said of the September game plan.


Meet Jack Smith’s Deputy. Proof, I guess, that not everybody who attends Notre Dame sucks:

According to one former law school classmate, Cooney’s path to public service began with his upbringing in a “very Irish Catholic family.” Cooney’s father, Joseph Cooney, who passed away last year, didn’t just pass his name and a love of the New York Yankees onto his son. He also instilled in Cooney, who grew up in Northern Virginia’s D.C. suburbs, what the classmate described as a “sense of duty.”

The younger Cooney followed his father’s footsteps to Notre Dame University and to the legal profession. At Notre Dame in the late 1990’s, Cooney displayed both an interest in government and early ambition. Archives of the school newspaper show that Cooney was a writer and a political columnist. He wrote about his frustration with “classic Washington power-politics at work” and campaign finance “corruption.” While he criticized both parties, Cooney made his own allegiances clear in a 1997 column where he suggested the country needed a new “progressivism.”

“The American people lie in wait for an attractive and appealing political movement which they can grab hold of,” Cooney wrote. “The answer lies in a new Left.”

During college, Cooney tutored local children as part of a “neighborhood study help program.” He would later credit the experience with helping hone presentation schools he used at trial.

Could Taylor Swift Be Democrats’ Secret Weapon?  I think it’s possible:

MSNBC’s Ari Melber and Democratic strategist Chai Komanduri looked at how Taylor Swift’s involvement in politics could teach a key lesson ahead of the 2024 election.

The host, who argued that Swift is “reaching people in a way that is far broader than any other artist in earlier digital eras,” began his segment on Swift Wednesday with a clip from her 2020 documentary “Miss Americana.”

The clip showed Swift in 2018 standing by her decision to speak out against Republican Marsha Blackburn, who was running for Senate, adding “these aren’t your dad’s celebrities and these aren’t your dad’s Republicans.”

It was Swift’s first time speaking out about politics, leading to later posts like one in which she shared a photo of “Biden Harris” cookies ahead of the 2020 election.

“Taylor Swift has a lot of Republican fans and it was a risk for her to stick her neck out and say what she believed and say who she supported, there was a risk involved, but there was courage and people respond to courage,” said Komanduri, noting Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) courage also appeals to young Americans.

Swift is at least as ubiquitous as Donald Trump.  I think she will have a large impact on 2024.

Eat Less Meat.  Eat Less Dairy.  Help Save The Planet.  We’ve all kinda known this.  But here’s one more reason why the demand for meat and dairy drives environmental degradation:

Cows are often described as climate change criminals because of how much planet-warming methane they burp. But there’s another problem with livestock farming that’s even worse for the climate and easier to overlook: To feed the world’s growing appetite for meat, corporations and ranchers are chopping down more forests and trampling more carbon-sequestering grasslands to make room for pastures and fields of hay. Ruminants, like cattle, sheep, and goats, need space to graze, and animal feed needs space to grow. The greenhouse gases unleashed by this deforestation and land degradation mean food systems account for one-third of the world’s human-generated climate pollution. 

Climate policies and investment focus heavily on fossil fuels and the energy sector, but slashing agricultural emissions is also crucial to keeping planetary warming below catastrophic levels, said Lini Wollenberg, the study’s co-author.

“There’s enough evidence to show that if we don’t shift our diets, then we will not meet the 1.5 degree Celsius target by 2100,” said Wollenberg, who researches climate change and food systems at CGIAR and the University of Vermont. “Agriculture has to be addressed.”

Texas Is 2022’s Book-Banning Champ:

Texas made the most attempts to ban or restrict books in 2022, according to a new report from the American Library Association (ALA).

Last year, there were 1,269 documented censorship attempts to restrict 2,571 unique titles – the highest number ever recorded by ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom and double the 729 book challenges made in 2021.

Texas made 93 attempts to restrict access to over 2,300 books.

The book ban movement, has been gaining speed in recent years across the US, particularly in Republican-led states, and is becoming a central theme in religious-political activism. Often the books contain issues related to LGBTQ+ communities or race.

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison was the most challenged book in the state, on grounds it contained sexually explicit content. Other challenged books include Gender Queer, All Boys Aren’t Blue, and other books with LGBTQ+ or anti-racism themes.

This is as good a time as any to mention that the Arden Library Gild will hold a Banned Books Month in October, and that it will feature a (non-) dramatic reading of a very funny children’s book that some parents somewhere have seen fit to ban.  Oh, the Guest Reader?:


I’ll have more as we get closer to the event.  No charge for kids, suggested $5 donation for adults.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Arthur says:

    Dont forget – 3 weeks after an active shooter on UNC campus there is another one. i am really hoping that the college are all interconnected and talking to each other and rising up at election time to votge every republican out of office

  2. mediawatch says:

    Have to mark Texas Rethugs down for lack of creativity.
    Instead of trying to ban “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” the party should use the title as a slogan on a poster featuring Cruz, Cornyn, Abbott and Paxton.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Next time you wonder why Delaware’s larges-circulation six-days-a-week newspaper doesn’t have the staff to cover something significant in government, education, health, business or the courts, take note of how corporate sets its priorities.
    When they talk about strengthening local news coverage, watch what they do, don’t listen to what they say.
    Feeling sorry for the dedicated local reporters who see their mission devalued by corporate celebrity chasers.

  4. Hunter Biden Indicted On Gun Charges:


    Hey, at least SOMEBODY’S being indicted on gun charges.

  5. Paul says:

    Wasn’t voter suppression what the June vote on the Seaford corporate voting all about? This time the mechanism was the creation of more GOP voters by manipulating state election law. If successful, the GOP corporate voter bill will effectively strip all Democratic voters in Seaford of their ballot box voices in all municipal elections. And where will this trend stop? U.S. Presidential elections? The really sad thing is that trusted Democrat elected officials were in on the scheme from beginning to end. How many house Democrats will need physical therapy to heal from all the Longhurst/Schwartzkopf arm twisting that occurred to make passage of this GOP sucker bill a reality? I am glad Schwartzkopf is going. Longhurst needs to retire as well…Why is the state Democratic party chairman silent on this obvious breech of the party platform…yeah, just what I thought…crickets…

    • Paul says:

      The Sussex County chair of the DELDEMS is remarkably silent on this issue as well, considering she counts on Democrats in Seaford, Western Sussex, as part of her base of support in county matters. Jane Hovington should use that voice of hers to denounce what is being perpetrated against the Democrat voters in Seaford…again…crickets…