DL Open Thread Tuesday September 26 2023

Filed in National by on September 26, 2023

I’ll be adding to thins open thread this afternoon, but in the meantime listen to this Highland’s Bunker.   In the best tradition of Highlands Bunker, it is an eyeopener in terms of further opening your eyes on topics you think they were already fully open on, such as Universal vs Means Tested programs.

Professor Mark Paul joins Rob in the virtual bunker to talk about his new book, The Ends of Freedom, and get into the history of economic rights in America as well as how modern issues of full employment, inflation, and means testing affect our ability to provide for everyone.

Show Notes:


Giving 40 expecting moms ‘a hand up,’ Delaware pilot program provides $1,000 a month for bills, formula, diapers

Victoria Rodriguez said she’s “not sure how we would have done it’’ without the guaranteed basic income stipend. But will the state continue the program?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.