DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023

Filed in Delaware, International, National, Open Thread by on October 11, 2023

Whether you’re rooting for Israel or Hamas, the media has plenty of atrocity stories to stoke your righteous ire. I’m not linking to any of them because I don’t think war porn serves any useful purpose. For an overview of what the fighting is about, refer to this editorial cartoon.

Saddest part of the Israel-Hamas war: House Republicans are hoping it will be the crisis that unifies their party. Until it does, the GOP remains the party of strong support for Israel despite its inability to act because of its public shit fit. They’re holding a closed-door caucus meeting this morning to see which malformed mook might emerge as the tallest midget.

Speaking of House Republicans, flim-flam man George Santos was hit with a 23-count indictment detailing his fraudulent fund-raising. When asked about the charges, Santos ran into his office and slammed the door.

Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is ramping up by caving in on policy positions that don’t poll well, which is why the administration is building out part of Trump’s border wall despite promises to the contrary.

State Rep. Eric Morrison, one of the nation’s very few openly atheistic elected officials, has taken to the op-ed pages of Wilmington’s incredible shrinking newspaper to advocate for greater acceptance of atheism and agnosticism. He diplomatically avoided pointing out the current unpleasantness between believers in YHWH and believers in Allah over in the so-called Holy Land.

The floor’s yours. Try to avoid stepping in the pools of blood.

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  1. puck says:

    I’m rooting for Israeli forbearance. and for Gazans to reject Hamas/jihad and negotiate with Israel. Don’t think either will happen though.

    • Gazans don’t have the power to do that. Hamas kicked their political opponents out.

      • puck says:

        So if I buy that narrative, and I do but only up to a point…

        That makes the conflict a regional security issue, which means neigboring countries should use their resources to remove Hamas. But they all have their own reasons why they don’t, usually sectarian reasons.

        Hamas drew the fire into Gaza. How much more misery will it take for Gazans to find the will to depose Hamas?

        Failing that, the US should work for the accelerated Saudi recognition of Israel. Once that happens, other regional nations are likely to follow, with the road open to regional security guarantees.

    • delacrat says:

      Palestinians have already negotiated with Israel. Israel used negotiations as a stalling tactic while they confiscated more land.

      Time to tell Israel the checkbook is closed.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Atheism, say what you will we don’t do holy wars, for that, at it’s core, is what is going on now in Israel. This one starts out with the murder of women and children, taking civilian prisoners and the whole sale destruction of the Gaza Strip. Believe Netanyahu will turn this into the war to settle the score, as noted but for their inter party war the Republicans would be cheering Israel on. As ever I ask Christians! Where is thy god? Hunkered down in a bunker if he knows what’s good for him . A solution? Ain’t none to be had.

  3. Arthur says:

    They need a better name than atheists or agnostics. the don’t cares are better.

    to tell you truly how “religion” is “growing” i heard from an in-law who is a hard core member of a large cult that “XXX has finally given in and allowed himself to be baptized”. its not about beliefs and hope and all that crap, its about subjugation

    • bamboozer says:

      Don’t care is indeed a good fit, agree that baptism, and religion in general is subjugation. That and they are the original “groomers”.

    • puck says:

      “They need a better name than atheists or agnostics. the don’t cares are better.”

      I like “nones.”

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    We already have 18 page views from the Netherlands today. Meaning, most likely, that one of you is checking in from there. Hope you’re enjoying your stay. Are tulips native to Delaware? If so…

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    I find it deeply ironic that the most substantive campaign emails this season that I’ve seen are coming from Kyle Evans Gay, a candidate for lieutenant governor — a job with few discernible duties. For Hispanic Heritage Month, she talks about actual issues:

    “That’s why I’m working to strengthen access to affordable, quality, and culturally-relevant childcare, including in underserved Latino communities.
    Together with my Senate Democratic colleagues, I passed a $15 minimum wage and I support funding medical coverage for all kids regardless of immigration status.
    And, I’m continuing the fight for equal pay for equal work. Thursday, Oct. 5th marked Latina Women’s Equal Pay Day – an acknowledgement that Latina women working full time earn just 57¢ for every dollar earned by a white non-Hispanic man.
    We must continue to strive for a more equitable society and honor the contributions the Latino and Hispanic communities have made to our country and our state.”

    I don’t get everything from every campaign, but her emails are certainly imbued with more intellectual heft than that of Matt Meyer, who can talk about three topics (I was a schoolteacher, the Hope Center, and testing for COVID in sewers). Eugene Young runs a close second behind Meyer, using traditional fundraising appeals that just grate on the nerves. I haven’t seen much from Sarah McBride yet.

    Kyle ought to be running for something bigger.

    • She’s my senator. I think she’ll be Governor some day, and I think she’ll be a real good Governor.

      I think she’s largely running to get statewide recognition that will be to her benefit down the road. Oh, and I think she’s gonna win.

      While I’d hate to lose her as our State Senator, at least I can say I was there from the beginning when she finally put away the useless Cathy Cloutier.

  6. The House R’s chose Steve Scalise as their Speaker nominee in a close vote over Jim Jordan. 113-99. Not, um, a resounding endorsement.

    Whether the caucus will be sufficiently unified to get him the votes he needs is in serious question. Could be a vote later this afternoon.

  7. Paul says:

    IMHO, there is nothing wrong, objectively, with the term atheist, which means, simply, Without A Deity. The problem with “atheist” is entirely subjective, owing to the torrent of deist opinion warning against the “godless”. Absent that negativity, this country could enjoy more sober leadership. And, let’s be reminded that the constitution explicitly states there will be NO religious litmus tests regarding running for political office nationwide. But religionists incessantly insert exactly those litmus tests into political campaigns. Case in point, locally, in RD 36 in 2022, challenger Pat Smith went on Dan Gaffney and proclaimed that Bryan Shupe wasn’t religious enough as he had only converted to a “born-again” faith only 3 years ago, and was not a “true” religionist. Shupe felt compelled to go on Gaffney to say that his faith was righteous, and members of his congregation told him so. Considering our constitution, this exchange never should have happened, nor should Gaffney have permitted it on his show, were he a faithful adherent to the constitution. In the meantime, Pat Smith had allegedly participated in the January 6, 2021 insurrection in DC, which was never brought up in the campaign. So, atheist, objectively may be the best term, far better than “nones” which means nothing without an attached explanation, but the problem will remain of religionists unconstitutionally inserting religious faith into our political campaigns.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    Puck – I vote against nones. Back in grade school those rulers across the knuckles really hurt.