Karl Baker Breaks The BHL Story Wide Open

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2023

Tips of the sombrero to eagle-eyed readers Duarte and BLT who spotted it:


Here’s an excerpt from Karl’s story:

In 2018, Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long’s husband went into business with her office’s chief deputy, forming an LLC that purchased nine row homes in a small Wilmington suburb that had been targeted as an ideal community for government redevelopment dollars.

In the subsequent years, Hall-Long — now a leading candidate to be Delaware’s next governor — failed to disclose the business to the public, as is required by law.

The company, called TWP and BML, LLC, formed in early 2018 with its registered agent listed as Rep. Sean Lynn, D-Dover.

Following the formation, the new business purchased the nine rowhomes along three enclosed streets that make up most of the Edgemoor Gardens community.

Public deed records associated with the purchase list the owners of TWP and BML, LLC as Dana Armon Long, who is Hall-Long’s husband; and Tanner Polce, her policy director in the Lieutenant Governor’s office between 2017 and 2020.

With its purchase, the company secured a mortgage of $409,000 for the nine homes. It later refinanced with a larger $744,000 mortgage, according to public records.

It is unclear whether Hall-Long perceived a conflict of interest with Polce’s dual roles — as her subordinate in government and as her husband’s business partner — because she declined an interview for this story.  

Polce also did not respond to a request to comment for this story. 

Read the entire story.  Local reporting at its best.

And, IMO, the well-deserved death-knell for BHL’s campaign.


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  1. Bethany Beached?: Day 35! : Delaware Liberal | October 23, 2023
  1. One particular reason I flat-out loved this story was that, every time BHL’s enablers gave her plausible deniability, Karl knocked it down with the facts.

    One example:

    “Lastly, it (statement from BHL’s campaign) stated that “Polce is not employed by the Lieutenant Governor’s Office and has not been for the past three years.”

    The statement does not address the apparent conflict created during the period between 2018 and 2020 when Polce worked as policy director for Hall-Long.”

    No, no it doesn’t. There are several examples of this. This is what journalism should be, and needs to be. I’ll be subscribing, we need to support reporting like this.

  2. What?????? says:

    What does this mean for Sean Lynn? Did he do anything illegal or unethical here?

  3. Zasha says:

    It would seem BHL has reached the point where stand by your man means walk away from your political career.

  4. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    Tanner was also on Dover City Council at that time as well if memory serves. No way did BHL not know about all this!

  5. Tim says:

    This is the bombshell?? Hope there’s more to it than this. Can’t she just amend her financials and move on?

    Feel like I’m missing something

    • Alby says:

      Um…perhaps you’re missing the fact that she didn’t want anyone to know about this little enterprise that her husband cooked up while in the public employ. Or are you pretending to be so naive you believe she just conveniently forgot to list it? Or that she just didn’t know the ins and outs of that tricksy reporting law? Please.

      Or maybe you just think that’s how our elected officials should conduct themselves in office, by taking advantage of their position to profit by insider knowledge. If so, I heartily disagree.

      • Might be even more. Word on the street is that Dana Long was transferred by NCC out of his Sec. 8 inspection home turf right near his house to–Brandywine Hundred. Right in the timeframe that the LLC started buying houses. In Brandywine Hundred. Raising the question of who inspected them. And whether it was after they had been rehabbed. Long’s job was either to give them a clean bill of health, or require improvements. Was he giving his own houses a clean bill of health? Houses whose owners were masked due to the anonymity of LLC’s?

        His partner was BHL’s chief deputy. She knew, and the partnership went on for close to three years before Polce left her office.

        Looking forward to that transparency her spokespersons praise her to the high heavens for.

  6. Food for Thought says:

    What a long strange trip it will be! Buckle up.
    In ethics, it is not so much if a conflict occurs, as how you handle and correct it when pointed out. It was not all that long ago that campaign finance issues were raised by another blogger about BHL’s opponent.
    Before I make a decision or form a strong opinion, I need to know about the recent developer fundraiser that Shawn Tucker’s firm held for Mr. Meyer with all those developers with plans before NC County and what Mr. Meyer’s original campaign manager from his primary against Mr. Gordon, Rashad Taylor, is doing since quietly being put on the County Payroll in Mr. Meyer’s office a few months ago.

    • My support for Meyer extends ONLY to my preference of him over BHL.

      I agree, there are a lot of questions about Matt, and I have them.

      Would really like to see another choice. I think that possibility will increase once BHL exits the race.

  7. puck says:

    I think Team BHL thought as long as they could keep the details out of the News Journal (which they have successfully done so far), the whole thing would blow over. Hooray for independent journalism!

  8. Found this in the moderation bin:

    “I just posted blowing this whole made up story out of the water, but DL wont publish it.”

    Went to the site in the e-mail, and it was some social site for someone named Martha Bueno. No mention, of course, of BHL, or anything about Delaware politics. Looks like she’s in Miami or some other warm clime.

    So, no we won’t post whatever you allegedly wrote b/c it doesn’t exist.

    Feel free to provide a link, Bozo.

    • UncleLurker says:

      This person’s comment actually makes sense, story aside. I always wondered why there are always the same 5 people commenting on all these posts. Didn’t know that peoples posts could get deleted by you. Censorship outside of threats of violence or discriminatory comment will just discredit everything said on here if it hasn’t already. I imagine there are more people than just me who didn’t know this blog is highly censored.

      • DLTroll says:

        He labels most anyone that mildly disagrees with him a troll, which makes for great entertainment. The truth is the left wing chattering glass can’t get enough of DL and they lurk around on this site clicking refresh for days reading about their favorite progressive pets. This thing could be a gold mine for ads. Tanzer should be making more money on this thing than he ever did at TJs!

      • Didn’t read the moderated blog article, did you?

        Pretty much laid it out for you.

      • Cheeze says:

        You can provide all the links you want, but the moment you share evidence that a WFP darling has some anti-Semitic skeletons in their closet, the entire discussion is memory-holed.

        • Alby says:

          There’s that “darling” business again.

          You BHL people are pathetic. Y’all can play what-about, yet it’s been days and not a single one of you lickspittles has provided a single reason why this woman and her sleazebag hubby deserve anyone’s vote. You make it easier to overcome my distrust of Meyer every day.

          Now explain what someone’s alleged anti-semitism has to do with this self-enriching couple’s march to Woodburn. Meyer’s Jewish, is that why you brought it up?

          • Cheeze says:

            This has nothing to do with BHL, and everything to do with El Som’s approach to “moderation”. A previous commenter several days ago suggested that there was a pattern of dog-whistle antisemitism associated with WFP darling rep. Wilson-Anton, going so far as to share a link to a highlands bunker podcast where she used some loaded language. This post was quickly tossed down the memory hole, and it triggered El Som so deeply that he felt the need to write a special callout post.

            TLDR, moderation is about maintaining a civil environment, no protecting your pals

            • Criticizing Israeli aggression is not anti-semitism.

              Neither is calling out a despicable mobile home magnate for treating the people living in his parks like shit. It’s not because he’s Jewish, it’s because he treats people like shit.

              I’ve been around long enough to see the overreaction against those who don’t march in lockstep with the masses whenever there’s a crisis.

              FWIW, I’m Jewish (although admittedly not an observant one). I know Madinah, and I support her. So come after me, not her.

              • puck says:

                Calling for Israel’s allies to withdraw support is in fact a proxy for anti-semitism. Calling for Israel to stand down in the face of the latest attacks is another.

                The latest Hamas attacks show exactly why Jews established a homeland strong enough to defend itself. And why they aren’t willing to hand voting majorities to non-Jews.

                I contributed to Madinah too, but won’t support her if she wants to go to Washington.

              • Cheeze says:

                Madinah is an educated woman. She knew what she was saying when she used the term parasite.

                I guess as long as she continues to be politically useful to
                WFP then she won’t catch consequences.

              • Take stuff out of context, like making a case that someone is anti-Semitic based on one word, and you will be moderated.

                The word ‘parasite’ fits that mobile home park owner to a T. Screws people and feeds off their limited $$’s.

                You’ve made your case, and you’ve been warned.

              • Alby says:

                Not to mention, this is a thread about BHL, not the place for you to air your complaints about the WFP.

                That you think it is shows who’s backing BHL – the old-line self-dealing Democrats who feel threatened by the progressives.

            • Alby says:

              If you don’t like the moderation then go elsewhere. Start your own blog and moderate it however you like. Or comment somewhere that follows your philosophy, which you have no standing to dictate here.

              It’s not a free public chatboard. Simple as that.

            • john kowalko says:

              “Parasite” is a very appropriate and accurate descriptive term for some/many of these greedy landowners who continually oppress the manufactured home owners with outrageous rent increases while providing minimal services and maintenance. I’ve fought the battle against these greedy people for my entire 16 years in office and I am proud to work with someone like Madinah who understands the plight of the vulnerable and neediest among us. These greedy landowners (many from out of state but still many homegrown) continue to reap ungodly profits and use their economic advantages (and lawyers) to suck the economic lifeblood out of the less fortunate. Yeah that’s a “PARASITE” you are looking at.
              Representative John Kowalko

              • Dick Johmson says:

                Hey John, You’re no longer an elected official. Might want to ease up on that “Rep” title.

                Just be yourself.

  9. Le Nom (El Som) de Plume says:

    I will take the effort to re-type my extensive reply as it appears to have been ‘Lost in Moderation’ (without the added mirth of Bill Murray or the beauty of ScarJo).

    Simply stated, this article does nothing to break any story wide open – the story is false and misleading at best and a hit piece at worst. Hence, it was not published by any reputable news source (maybe Bryan Shupe and Chris Kenny passed?).

    Journalistic integrity typically includes the use of sources, research, and, i dont know, facts?

    1. It is not illegal or a violation of the reporting requirements under 29 del. C. Chapter 58 for an elected official (or an appointee, executive branch employees, or municipal elected officials if no ethics code has been adopted) to not report their spouse’s business IF the elected official has no legal or equitable interest in same OR the elected official does not control, constructively or otherwise, the affairs of the business.

    One would expect that a journalist would call the Public Integrity Commission and ask these types of questions BEFORE publishing an article accusing any elected official of a failure to report their spouse’s business interest (Or, I don’t know, consult a lawyer and determine the meaning and interpretation of the applicable code section)?

    If this reporter had done any due diligence, they would know that Ms. Hall-Long did not breach any reporting requirements because she has no ownership interest in her Husband’s LLC nor does she control same (as the reporter states he was informed of by the Campaign and yet published this anyway. Again, ask to see the corp docs BEFORE you accuse son). A glimpse at the By Laws or Operating Contract would have answered these questions.

    Or better yet, get an opinion from the PIC.

    No elected official reports their Spouse’s job, income or business on their financial disclosure, and no elected official has ever been found to have violated Chapter 58 in their failure to do so. In all the years since Chapter 58 has been law, not one decision upholds this premise.

    Heres why:

    Constructive control means that the elected official exerts some authority, be it active or passive, over the business. This makes sense when a “minor child” of the elected official generates revenue from a business. i.e. if your kid inherits money and you are the Trustee of their Trust – you have control over same. Similarly, if you have a spouse that is a Corporate officer of a Corporation, and you serve on the Board of Directors of that Corporation (or are a majority shareholder) – you exert some control. All of that would be reportable.

    An elected official who’s spouse is a lawyer would not report their spouse’s law firm under Chapter 58, nor would they have to. Similarly, if an elected official has a spouse that has an LLC or Corporation (again without any legal or equitable interest in the entity or control over same) the elected official has no duty to report.

    2. The reporter states that the mortgage to acquire these properties was from a private bank. The mortgage is recorded and is publicly available. Look it up. No public money went in to the acquisition of these properties.

    3. Even the farthest stretch of imagination doesn’t get this article where it would purport to go. The only public funds that were used to improve this section of the City (not these parcels) came from efforts by Matt Meyer and New Castle County in 2023. The County even published press releases about it.


    In 2019, a Park was built in this neighborhood using funding, again, from Matt Meyer and the County. A small portion was provided by DNREC – however that funding would have been allocated in the Budget for 2019 – which was completed before June of 2018. Based on land records, this LLC didnt even buy the properties at issue until August of 2018 – after the budget would have been done. The article cited the deed!!!

    So, lets cut to the chase – this article makes an accusation but the facts dont support that ANY public funds went to these properties. Zippo. Nada. Zero. Goose egg.

    4. Section 8 funding is FEDERAL. Processed and administered by applications to and through DSHA. Did the reporter ask if the Section 8 units had that Section 8 approval BEFORE the LLC purchased them? Would be good to know, right?

    5. Much ‘to do’ has been made about Mr. Long working at the County. Maybe a prudent question would have been if he worked there when these properties were purchased?

    6. The article broadly asserts that its a conflict of interest for Mr. Polce to own properties with his employer’s family. This same style of brazenly misleading and false accusation headlines this article, and is similarly wrong, (about PIC filings). It is not a conflict of interest for an employee to own rental properties with their employers family member. A conflict of interest for public officials has to have a nexus between their public service and pecuniary gain. None exists here. It simply isnt a conflict no matter how desperately this article wants us to believe it. I dont know, maybe have one ethics opinion that says this is unethical or a conflict of interest. Some decision. Some precedent.

    Lastly, the identities of members of LLCs is NOT public information in Delaware. One cannot go to the Secretary of State’s Office and find this information. Astute readers of this Blog will recall John Kowalko’s annual (and not wrong) diatribes about this fact. Which begs the question – how did this reporter determine who owns this LLC. Does he have any documentation to that effect? I’ll fill in the gaps – it had to have come from the County who processes tax payments and does building inspections.

    Which leaves the final point – this is a hit piece – not journalism. Thats why a real news outlet wouldnt touch it, and why it is indefensible on its face.

    Cannot wait for the retraction when the author actually calls the PIC and gets an interpretation of Chapter 58.


    • Hard to know where to begin here. Might as well start with the so-called and misnamed Public Integrity Commission. This is not an enforcement agency, they simply provide a data base for lobbyists, their contributions, and their lobbying efforts. Except, not ALL of them. Like, they don’t have to provide info on which legislators they lobbied on particular bills. To assert that the PIC is the be-all and end-all is, um, disingenuous. They’re not an enforcement agency, they’re a paper tiger, and you know it.

      Point # 1 is, at best a legal defense for a gubernatorial candidate failing to reveal the operations of an LLC owned by her husband and her (then) top aide that was designed to benefit her financially. Is that the best you’ve got? ‘Technically not guilty’?

      To Point Number 5: I’VE asked that question. Dana Long can answer it. Or the Section 8 inspection reports can be FOIA’d. Do YOU know the answers?

      Point #6: If Dana Long benefits, then BHL benefits, right? What am I missing here?

      You ARE correct on the following:

      “the identities of members of LLCs is NOT public information in Delaware. One cannot go to the Secretary of State’s Office and find this information. Astute readers of this Blog will recall John Kowalko’s annual (and not wrong) diatribes about this fact. Which begs the question – how did this reporter determine who owns this LLC. Does he have any documentation to that effect? I’ll fill in the gaps – it had to have come from the County who processes tax payments and does building inspections.”

      And yet, regardless of how the reporter got the information, are you claiming the information is incorrect? ANSWER THE QUESTION.

      If it’s correct, then all the allegations are, what’s the word I’m looking for–true.

      You expose yourself when you use words like ‘desperately’, ‘indefensible’, ‘hit piece’, and more.

      Now, now, you see, we would have published this. In fact, we did. You falsely claimed we wouldn’t. Truth is–and YOU know this, you never tried to post this until I called your bluff. What you are offering is a legalistic defense for unethical behavior by a would-be governor. Feel free to try it in a court of law. In a gubernatorial race, it carries no weight.

    • FWIW says:

      So… 29 del. C. Chapter 58 defines constructive control, and it’s not what you described.

      “‘Constructively controlled’ means:…

      (3) Any financial interest of the spouse or minor child of a public officer.”

      Period. It seems pretty plain and simple. If an official’s spouse or minor child has a financial interest, the official is deemed to have constructive control over it. Please point to anywhere in the code where it says that there is an exception to this if the elected official does not “exert some authority” over the business, as you say.

    • FWIW says:

      Still waiting for a response to this. As I wrote above, the law seems to clearly demand that public officials report any businesses owned by their spouse. If the official’s spouse owns it, then the official is deemed to have constructive control over it, which means the official has to report it. The law does not appear to provide any exceptions based on the public official’s lack of involvement in the business.

      If you think I missed something, please feel free to respond and cite whatever part of the law you’re supposedly looking at. But the law seems pretty darn clear to me, and it does not seem to support what you are saying at all.

    • Al Catraz says:

      Great. Good to hear. So now that we have that out of the way, could you explain the reason for the “audit,” and when that is expected to be completed?

  10. Alby says:

    Something nobody has ever done: Made a convincing case for why BHL deserves the job.

    Whether this is legal matters not a whit to me. It’s sleazeball stuff, and it has surrounded this couple since forever. If you want me to overlook it, give me a reason to – explain why she deserves the job.

    • BLT says:

      She sucks. Can’t talk about anything and has never done anything to convince voters that she should be governor. After these two issues, no one should trust her to run the government. She lacks judgment and ability to work under pressure. She’s a total liar who didn’t hire the accountants she said she did.

      • Alby says:

        This is my point. The people defending her can’t give me a single reason why she’s not the piece of crap she appears to be, only complaints that she hasn’t done anything illegal. What a great record to run on.

        These shit-eating Delaware “centrist Democrats,” not the moribund GOP, are the impediment to good government. That they want to put this sleaze and her husband in office proves it.

        Also, too: Le Nom, you have no evidence that “a real new outlet wouldn’t touch it.” Or do you?

        • The Dirty D Digital Arcade says:

          I can assure you I am no centrist D.

          My interest is an all out passion against dirty politics. Duke it out on the merits. Not by attacking someone’s family or former staffer.

          No legitimate news outlet would publish this because it wasnt sourced, and the premise is wrong. It is not illegal to not report your spouse’s membership in an LLC unless you own it or control it. Period. The PIC has never held that, neither have the Courts, and no lawyer worth their salt would opine that (constructive control is a legal term of art with more reported cases in delaware than anywhere else in the world).

          Like El Som, you sound like a trumper.

          You know what my evidence is that no real news outlet would touch it? Because no real news outlet published it moron. And the reason? Because the headline is inflammatory and wrong.

          Not even NYT v Sullivan protects an entity from accusing someone of a crime (defamation per se) without it being true. And the NJ has lawyers, They know this isnt true and the article is a hit piece.

          Look at your progressive darling’s financial disclosure reports Alby. None of them report their spouse’s business interests. Are you going to pillory them too? Report them? Send them to Karl for an incendiary public accusation?

          • The PIC is nothing but a clearinghouse for lobbyists info. You keep citing them as an enforcement agency, but they are not.

            I’ve seen the bills of sale for the homes that the LLC purchased. Have you? Dana Long needs to answer the question: Did he give these houses owned by his LLC a clean bill of health as an inspector while hiding his ownership?

            You know, before his LLC purchased, for example, the house at 11 Polk Drive in Edgemoor Gardens for, wait for it, $10?

            “Like El Som, you sound like a trumper.” Idiocy.

            I could go on, as could any reader who is capable of critical thinking.

            I’ll close with this: You are entitled to one nom de plume, no more. Pick one and stick with it.

            BTW, “My interest is an all out passion against dirty politics.”?

            I’d be very interested in reading your other pieces calling out dirty politics. Since it’s your, you know, ‘passion’. Could you please direct me to them? They’re not at dirtypolitics.com, which is what your phony e-mail address listed as your website. That’s where I met Martha Bueno.

            • El Nom (El Som) de Plume says:

              It hurts my head how inane this reply is. You will accuse anyone of anything, huh?

              Now Mr. Long lied about how much his house cost?

              El Som – Every deed in Delaware has the consideration set at $10. Every single one. That doesnt mean he bought it for $10. You have to look at the transfer tax affidavit.

              I seriously cannot believe you even wrote this.

              Its not only incredibly stupid but it exposes your clear bias.

              • The record, if you bothered to look at it, lists all the sales transactions on this property. The purchase price by the LLC is listed at $10, the most recent previous purchase price was $72K.

                I think you DID look at it. In fact, I think you know a lot about these transactions.

                You’re not doing BHL any favors. If you’d like to, how about having her publicly address all of the issues surrounding her campaign. You know, like the ‘audit’ she is purportedly conducting. Will it take as long as that so-called audit of Trump’s taxes?

                Her silence speaks volumes.

                No more playing whack-a-mole with you. You’re clearly running interference for her campaign.

        • Dirk Diggler says:

          Blaming centrist Democrats is inaccurate. The majority of these voters aren’t even aware of this situation.

          It’s the Democrat establishment; Carney, Coons, Carter, etc.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Curious, how do you know that?

    • eldee says:

      Well, you see, she’s a former nurse, which is basically the same line of thinking that got us Kathy McGuiness, so maybe that’s not the slam-dunk BHL supporters think it is?

  11. Arthur says:

    The sign stealing was sophomoric idiocy but something that should have been addressed more deliberately. The financial maleficence, cover up and not producing an audits outcome, let alone actually doing an audit, shows willful negligence and disregard towards the public trust. She has no right being in any position of political power and her husband should be no where near public (private) information or government employment. She isnt on a slippery slope, she is skiing on grease.

  12. Alby says:

    “You know what my evidence is that no real news outlet would touch it? Because no real news outlet published it moron.”

    This is circular logic. You don’t know what your “real news outlets” are looking into. I assume you’re talking about TNJ, whatever the State News is called now and WDEL. None would publish work by an outside reporter, so your claim holds no water.

    I find it curious that you’re against “dirty politics,” but not against a person using his position in the county to identify a business opportunity, or his politcally connected wife failing to disclose the family business. This is sleazy pocket-lining, and if you’re OK with that, I’m not.

    You’re not against dirty hands, just dirty political dirt-slinging. So let’s hear your defense of her actions. Not some hand-waving about it not being illegal – a defense of the secretive behavior. I find it interesting that you don’t seem to have one.

    Last of all, I don’t have any darlings in politics. None. You haven’t read anything here about me endorsing any political candidate for anything. I’ll say who I’m voting for, but not who you should. If you have knowledge of politicians not disclosing their business interests, which you claim you do, by all means let’s hear about them. Put up or shut up.

    • Alby says:

      Also, too, “progressive” darlings? You’re not a centrist but you toss out progressive as a pejorative? What are you, a right-winger pretending to be a Democrat?

  13. john kowalko says:

    I’m not willing to prejudge guilt or innocence or ethical challenges that may or may not exist in this situation. But I will say here is a perfect situation/scenario for a Delaware Independent Inspector General’s office to ferret out the truths or mistruths in this matter and others re campaign financing and Public Integrity Reports, not to mention ethical standards for public officials. Let’s establish an “INDEPENDENT INSPECTOR GENERALS OFFICE” NOW.
    Former Representative John Kowalko

  14. FormerDEPol says:

    As a former DE elected official, I always listed my spouse’s financial interests even when they were not my own nor under my control. Why? Because it is what the law demands.

  15. SussexWatcher says:

    The commenter known as “Le Nom (El Som) de Plume” contends that it is not illegal for an elected official to not report their spouse’s business interests on the financial disclosure forms. This person states: “Or better yet, get an opinion from the PIC. No elected official reports their Spouse’s job, income or business on their financial disclosure, and no elected official has ever been found to have violated Chapter 58 in their failure to do so. In all the years since Chapter 58 has been law, not one decision upholds this premise.”

    The Public Integrity Commission opined:

    “Section 5813 of the Financial Disclosure law requires that public officers report assets valued at more than $5,000 that are “constructively controlled.” 29 Del. C. § 5813(a)(2). “Constructively controlled” includes assets “held jointly with a spouse” or “any financial interest of the spouse.” 29 Del. C. § 5812(b).

    “A candidate for State office did not indicate if his spouse held the types of financial interests that were required to be reported. The candidate was of the belief that such information should not have to be reported. It was explained that the statute required such information. The candidate was advised that failure to provide information required under Section 5813 could result in criminal penalties. The candidate did not provide the information and signed a statement that he was advised of the reporting requirement. The Commission referred the suspected violation to the Attorney General’s office, pursuant to 29 Del. C. § 5815(c).”

    The PIC is a shitstorm, but you can find that summary by searching for 02-43 at https://depic.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/48/2023/03/Filing-Who-and-How-1995-2022.pdf.

    So someone did, in fact, get an opinion from the PIC, and they said you’re full of shit.

    • Alby says:

      He keeps stressing the fact that it’s never been prosecuted. Typical Delaware Way bullshit – there’s what’s legal, and then there’s what we can get away with.

      Insiders think that double standard is hunky dory.

  16. Stewball says:

    Perhaps there should be an investigation into who leaked the non-public info on the ownership of the LLC for this hit piece. If the info came from tax payment records, it’s likely legally prohibited from being released. A few Meyer campaign operatives could be getting frog-marched if they’re not careful.

    • All I can tell you is that, if you look at the closing transaction paperwork (which is accessible to the public), it reads as follows:

      Owner: Twp And Bml LLC
      Owner Address: 127 St. Augustine Ct., Middletown Ct., Middletown DE 19709-8855.

      Once one sees that the address is the same as that of Dana & Bethany Hall-Long, you don’t need any ‘leaks’ to make the connection. You can do it at home. I did.

    • BLT says:

      The only thing that is being made non-public is the sitting Lieutenant Governor’s phony audit, and that’s because she didn’t even hire an accounting firm like she told everybody. She apaprently told people she was going to release the results today…crickets…crickets…She’s not fit to lead the state let alone a one car funeral parade.

  17. Def says:

    This the dui guy?

  18. Deeds says:

    Seems like Meyer made the decision early to play dirty. With a guy with a background like Meyer not sure why you want to do that. Careful Matt

  19. Might as well add that it’s not Matt who announced an audit of their campaign for possible violations and has since avoided any and all public comment on it.

    It’s not Matt who is involved in a hinky LLC that stinks.

    Are we ever gonna hear from Bethany Hall-Long, or is she just gonna proceed as if nothing happened? As Al has pointed out time and time again, none of her apologists have presented one good reason why she should be governor.

    • Alby says:

      The responses from her supporters here are having a significant effect on my distaste for BHL, which started out as minimal (just like her qualifications for the job she lusts after).

      This is real simple, you dumb assholes: Make a case for her or fuck off. The fact that you can’t says way more about her, and you, than anything you’ve said so far.